New Moon in Libra

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (12).jpg

Today our Lunar Goddess steps into a brand new energy cycle favouring love and relationships as she draws power from the Goddess of love and beauty Venus, as she rules Libra season and this New Moon.

The build up to this new moon has been a tough one. The equinox really shook things up and created a lot of chaos and drama all in efforts to help us find our middle ground. Although Libra season is about balance, we tend to have to find that balance by living in extremes. We’ve had a whole lot of new information thrown at us, people leaving, jobs ending, so many moving parts. It may feel like things are happening TO you, but things are actually happening FOR you so you can align with the new paths currently unfolding.

This New Moon in Libra is highly focused on love and relationships as Libra is the sign in the zodiac wheel where we start looking outside of ourselves to experience love, value, and worth. Libra season is about sharing ourselves with other people and learning how to not live in extremes but to find a comfy place in between those extremes to truly embrace who we are.

Libra favours fairness and justice making this a great time to initiate new cycles of restoring balance to our lives both within, and in our interactions with others. Legal matters can arise under this energy and find a positive resolution based on the fairness and justice of all concerned. With mercury currently retrograde in Libra we can see a lot of old people, dreams, passions and desires resurface as well, along with some repressed emotions and memories for us to sort through and gain strength from.

This particular New Moon is making a few different aspects with other planets amplifying the healing that needs to take place within us. It also adds a bit of a wild card energy where true ah-ha moments and breakthroughs can take place altering the path forward.

Take the time to analyze your life and see where the scales have become unbalanced. Focus on love and pampering yourself under this energy and make sure you are living as true and authentically as possible. New Moons bring up all kinds of darker emotions for us to acknowledge, accept and integrate.

Libra energy has the tendency to take on other people’s energy and act as a mirror to them reflecting back what it is they portray to the world. With that in mind, make sure you are giving the best version of yourself to YOU first, and look to others for cues on how you are being received in the world around you.

In the MOON GUIDE, we’ll explore the important aspects taking place under this New Moon energy, but spoiler alert: Mars, Uranus, and Pluto are all making quite the appearances. This New Moon might feel more like a Full Moon with all the releasing of energies going on. Mars pushes us out of the “think state” to take action, Uranus drops some truth and info bombs on us creating a total shift in perspective and direction, and Pluto will go direct hours after the New Moon energy peaks to help us take our power back and make some serious moves!

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.