Mercury Enters Leo

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (9).jpg

Today, the planet of communication, information, and expression, moves into the fiery, brave and bold sign of Leo. Leo is a fire sign and honours the heart-space. Leo is about speaking one's truth, living authentically, creative and romantic passions, and a fun, lively, child-like energy.

Leo is the performer of the zodiac, and tends to be a bit dramatic in their storytelling once they've taken over the spotlight. Because Mercury rules the mental plane, we've likely been debating big ideas in our heads, and trying to bite our tongues during conversations while Mercury was in soft, emotional and intuitive Cancer. But Leo energy makes us bold, and brave. We get confident under this influence and we aren't afraid to speak up and speak out on our truths.

Whatever it is you've been afraid to talk about or hesitant in expressing outwards, will be the topic and theme of your truth as you are being encouraged to let it all out.

A lot of difficult conversations were avoided while Mercury was in Cancer. We were so concerned with hurting other people or upsetting them with our words, that we actively avoided expressing ourselves. That all gets tossed out the window as Mercury moves into Leo, as we are so passionate about sharing our stories we aren't really concerned with how it will effect those that hear what we have to say.

There are a few cautions that come with this energy. Because we are all fired up and wanting center stage, listening isn't our best quality. We are so eager to have our voice heard that we may not be actually listening to those looking to express themselves, and instead we could be very rude and cut them off, or only "listen" to what they have to say waiting for our opportunity to speak. We are crappy listeners under this influence and that in itself might cause hurt feelings.

Another caution about this energy influence is the tendency to ramble on long after we've made our point and deliver our truth. Whatever it is you are brave enough to now talk about, needs all the attention it can get. Don't ruin the impact of your words being expressed by rambling on about it. Recognize when your message has been received and cut yourself off.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through.

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Full Moon in Aquarius

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (33).jpg

Today the lunar goddess is full, illuminating herself in Aquarius for the first of two back to back Full Moons in this energy. While the Sun is fresh and strong in its place of power in Leo, (exerting our individual identities), the full moon in Aquarius will highlight where we are aligned with others.

Aquarius energy is represented by the water bearer. Many people confuse Aquarius with being a water sign, when in fact Aquarius is an air sign. Aquarian energy funnels the divine knowledge from the cosmos into our earthly consciousness. Knowledge and information flows from our higher selves into our physical forms to awaken us to new ideas and revelations.

The full moon wants to illuminate what we need to let go of and surrender to. Aquarius wants us to let go of old ways of thinking and acting. This out-of-the-box problem solver is rebellious in nature showing us where we’ve been feeling trapped or held back. Aquarian energy represent the conscious collective, bringing to light new ways of unifying with one another for the greater good of humanity. This full moon in Aquarius wants to liberate us from old constructs and paradigms that no longer support the awakening of the grander collective.

Aquarius is ruled over by Uranus who essentially has rulership over this particular lunar event. Uranus rules over shock and awe, huge insights and revelation, and over the central nervous system in our physical bodies. There is a certain emotional detachment that comes with the aquarian energy, providing us with a non-emotional response to information we receive. Aquarian energy is the higher intellect connected to the cosmos, which downloads our earthly mental planes with hidden information deep from our subconscious self.

This is a time for huge perspective changing shifts. This is a time of awakening to new ideas and thoughts. We are being encouraged to examine the foundations in our lives that seem shakey and unstable to see where we ether need to do more work to strengthen those foundations or let them fall away entirely.

With any moon event, our darker emotions tend to rise to the surface for acknowledgement and integration. Often, we can learn more about ourselves and our true desires for the future, by recognizing what we no longer feel in alignment with or attached to.

Because this Full moon is taking place as the energies build towards the Galactic New Year AND the lion’s gate portal on 8/8, it’s especially intense and the electricity in the air is quite palpable. Be gentle with yourself as you reposition yourself in the world. Carefully consider the new perspectives being revealed to you and rethink your plans moving forward. Practice grounding techniques to try and minimize the ascension symptoms that occur when large amounts of energy and lightcodes are being received in our earth’s atmosphere. It is a highly charged lunar event leading into a very eye opening and spiritually activated week ahead.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through. DOWNLOAD YOUR ZODIAC FORECAST NOW 50% OFF.

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Welcome To Leo Season

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (32).jpg

Today the Sun, our vital life force, moves into its place of power and comfort in Leo. Leo is an fire energy, very much focused on the matters of the heart, where love, passion, and expression reigns. Leo is represented by the lion and demands the same kind of regal attention. It represents strength, pride, and passion in all forms.

The Sun moving from Cancer to Leo is a welcomed changed by all. The Cancer season topics and themes of the home and family dynamic had many of us broken hearted on some level. We got double-whammied with the retrograde season and having us beat and broken down before we could breakthrough and emerge as the king of the jungle we actually are.

Leo season will bring romance, (the fun, playful kind), to the forefront. We want what the heart wants and the heart wants to be loved! We want to be acknowledge and appreciated. We want to be applauded for all we've gone through. We want to stand on the center stage with the spotlight on us, and relish in the attention. This is a time where our romantic relationships and our creative projects will thrive. Anything that we are passionate about will take the limelight, and with the roar of the lion encouraging us to express ourselves in whatever ways we need, will not only be heard, but will be accepted.

Our playful sides shine under this energy, and we want to have fun! We are generous with our time and attention, and also with our money which you should be cautious about. Our fun-loving, free flowing spirit may spend money that we actually don't have.

Although this energy will pick us up and give us a strength we've been lacking, it does come with some cautions. Because the Leo energy is loud and demands attention, we could find ourselves acting overly dramatic and emotional about things that there's just no need of. We are seeking attention any way we can with this energy so be cautioned that your not looking for attention in the wrong ways. We could become overly expressive, oversharing, over emoting, and taking the lead role in our own play just a tad bit too far.

Because this Leo energy won't really be at it's most powerful until after the 8th of August, be cautious of how the ebb and flow of emotions actually effect you. We are still purging some pain from our heart-space while we are distancing ourselves from the Cancer season. We have once last cry in us before emerging as the powerhouse we are after the first week of August.

Watch out for the wounded lion, as they tend to lash out causing damage to those around them before they retreat to lick their wounds. You'll want to exercise damage control when emotions are high and tempers are flaring. Regardless of how the lion within you feels at this moment, please know that you will be feeling a sense of power and strength within you once we get the first week of August under our belt.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through. DOWNLOAD YOUR ZODIAC FORECAST NOW 50% OFF.




Venus Enters Virgo

Venus - the Goddess of love, beauty, money, and pleasure - moves out of the fiery, playful and semi-dramatic energy of Leo, and gets a bit more serious in Virgo. We have new dreams and desires we’re looking to bring to life, and Venus in Virgo will help us get organized, get our priorities straight and help us get things off the ground.

Venus focuses on who and what brings her joy, who and what she loves, and holds her values and worth of extreme importance. While She’s in Virgo we will all get down to the details of what makes our hearts tick. Virgo energy is meticulous, diving into every detail of why we think and feel the way we do. We get down to earth and practical about who we share ourselves with, what we spend our time and energy doing, and what kind of purchases make the most sense to our long term goals.

Venus is always focused on her self worth, and with the analytical energy of virgo, she will very easily see where it is she’s been underestimating and under valuing herself. This transit will bring about a brand new perspective as Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and now Chiron are all retrograde helping us to do some inner healing and make some profound realizations about ourselves. Retrograde season makes sure we’re looking under every unturned stone to reveal whatever could be hiding away from the light. We are getting to the truth of our realities. We are exposing what our heart really wants, needs, and desires, and we are shifting our focus back to the people and things that we all hold of great value.

Venus in Virgo wants to see the meaning and purpose in all we do. We will start reorganizing our routines to better accommodate time for ourselves. Our own health & wellness is priority now as we realize we need to be our best, most healthiest selves in order to take care of our responsibilities and those we love.

The downside of Venus being in Virgo is that we are highly critical and judgemental. Self criticism and obsessive perfection can prevent us from moving forward. We tend to rip ourselves apart and cast judgement on others for not being who or what we need. We can be a bit too practical under this energy and appear as cold or calculated in matters of the heart. We can become overwhelmed in our mental planes as we analyze every detail both inside and outside of our own selves.

Use this energy to your advantage by getting to the bottom of what and who is worthy of your love, time, and energy. Make small steps to tweak your daily routine to better align with the new plans you intend on manifesting. Take care of the physical body while calling your attention to the mental plane. Do some serious thinking about what makes your heart happy and do everything in your power to incorporate those elements in your daily life.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through. DOWNLOAD YOUR ZODIAC FORECAST NOW 50% OFF.

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Chiron Retrogrades In Aries

Chiron, the wounded healer planetoid, has been in Aries since April of 2018, and will continue its stay in its place of power until 2027. Chiron shows us the wounds we are here to heal and while in Aries, we focus on the ego and where we’ve made our pain apart of our identity. We have been seeing its effects on a public platform, as everyone is now empowered and speaking up and out about the pain and trauma they've endured.

Individually, Chiron lets us know what wounds we came into this life to heal, and where it is we need to turn pain into power by the placement of his energy in your birth chart. As a collective, we are revealing the darkness in our world, illuminating it for all to see, and eventually heal. We all come into this life, looking to heal certain wounds that we will accumulate throughout our lives, all in hopes that one day we will drop the mask, expose our wounds, and inspire others to do the same.

Today, Chiron is going retrograde in Aries, taking us on a little bit of a healing journey inwards. This is where we get to retrace our steps, examine ourselves and the wounds we've already exposed. This acts as a refresher course to provide some closure to the first layer of healing.

Chiron will be in Aries until 2027, providing us with a huge timeframe to heal the wounds that we've been hiding behind, and using as a crutch for our identity. Too many of us identify so greatly with our pain, that we don't know how to let go. We use it as a shield and as an excuse to move on in our lives. Some of us don't even know who we are without our pain identity. But now is the chance to peel back the first layer of our pain, to drop the mask, and get real with ourselves. We have learned certain behaviours and adopted certain ways of thinking out of our need to survive. Now we have a choice to drop the survival mode, and move into thriver mode.

Physically, Chiron in Aries spotlights the head. We could be feeling some pressure, headaches, migraines, and overall discomfort where our head is concerned. Ailments such as sinus issues, jaw pain, neck problems, will all fester with the sharp movements of Chiron through the sky.

Mentally, Chiron in Aries is asking us to be a bit more authentic and real in our lives. The masks we wear especially to hid our pain and insecurities is creating a false sense of self. We are being asked to "wake up", drop the mask, and start showing the world who we really are. This is about acknowledging that we do in fact wear a mask, we try to hide ourselves, especially where we are most vulnerable, and in turn, we are adopting the "victim" mentality. It's time to make a conscious decision to step away from being a survivor, and fully embrace the life of a thriver.

Emotionally, Chiron in Aries asks us to stand up for ourselves. This means recognizing where we give our power away to others, where we fail to implement the boundaries we need to protect ourselves. It is likely that your anger will fester up at this time. Ask your anger to show you what it's hiding. Often times, anger shows up when it's hiding pain, sadness, sorrow and grief. Let your anger show you what it is you really need to work on healing. Let is show you the road map to your soul's pain.

Spiritually, Chiron in Aries is going to ask yourself, "Who am I?" Get real with yourself. Take a good look at your motivations, your goals, and see if they are truly aligned with your heart. Take notice to how far you've strayed off the path of being authentic and real with yourself and everyone around you. Put the masks down once and for all.

Soulfully, Chiron in Aries asks us to accept ourselves. Recognize the inner conflict and the divide within, and accept all parts as one. When you divide yourself, you divide your power. To accept yourself fully is to harness every ounce of power you hold within. It's time to step up, to lead yourself into being the best, most courageous self you've ever known. Embrace your true essence and see how the world responds to your new vibration. Watch your path open up and gift you with things you've only ever held in your heart. For when we truly embrace every part of ourselves, honour it, respect it, we live in divine order and will be blessed as such.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, and listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through. DOWNLOAD YOUR ZODIAC FORECAST NOW 50% OFF.

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Mercury Enters Cancer

Today, the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury, moves from his place of power and strength in Gemini, to the deep emotional and intuitive, family oriented sign of Cancer.

Mercury, although not at his strongest self here in Cancer, plays a very important role of communicating our deep seated emotions involving the family dynamic, with a clarity and intelligence that has us expressing ourselves from an emotionally intense stand point.

Mercury’s logic and practicality get slightly blurred during his time in Cancer, but once an emotion is triggered, he does use his power to make us contemplate and process the emotion fully, before we express our thoughts and feelings to others.

Because Mercury rules the mental plane, and Cancer rules our heart space, you will see a beautiful dance between the two, meeting in the middle where the throat chakra is located. This is a time of heightened sensitivity and awareness, and will have us connecting the dots, unpacking our pain, and speaking our truth with such clarity and ease that we won’t even believe how fluid our conversations and interactions with others will be.

Don’t be fooled though, we are talking about some very intense emotions here. These are the conversations that we’ve been avoiding and that we’d rather not have. But because the goal of this energy is to give us emotional and intuitive insight, blended with the intellectual insight we are piecing together in the mental plane, we really will have a totally different perspective on our home and family dynamic. We are emotionally charged and intellectually centered.

This, although a time where domestic disputes could be on the rise, we also have an opportunity for a huge emotional clearing as we put closure to some long term family issues and traumas. The role of Mother could be triggered for many people as Cancer rules the Mother figure and the role of family nurturer.

It’s also going to be a time where we stand up for ourselves and let others know what we need to feel safe, secure and supported. This is about nurturing ourselves as easily as we nurture others.

Use this energy to clear the air on any family drama, any topics surrounding what it is you need from your loved ones, and a time to heal some emotional Mother wounds. 

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, and to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through.




New Moon in Cancer

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (28).jpg

Today we have our New Moon in Cancer which is the first New Moon since eclipse season. The chaos and confusion that took place during eclipse season is now starting to settle, but with that energy we are still struggling to let go of the old and familiar in order to embrace the new. The energy has been intense and at some points scary. We are giving birth to a brand new reality and that in itself can be terrifying and unsettling.

The last Full Moon we had was in Capricorn and Cancer sits across from Capricorn in the zodiac wheel urging us to seek safety, security, and balance in our emotions and finances. It highlights the restrictions we face, the obstacles and challenges we seem stuck on, and illuminates where old systems and foundations are falling apart in order for us to rebuild our lives in ways that align more with what we need to feel safe and secure in our realms, aligned with what we need to nurture and nourish ourselves moving forward.

This New Moon in Cancer is a continuation of the cancer/capricorn axis we’ve been working on for the past 2 years. This axis story had us trying to balance what we need to feel safe and secure emotionally within our homes and family dynamics, while still living up to the roles and responsibilities of our public lives within our careers. Since the nodes of the moon have moved onto the gemini/sagittarius axis, we’ve shifted our focus to expanding our minds through learning new ways of doing things and how to let go to how things have always been done.

While today’s new moon in cancer isn’t an eclipse event, it does slam the door shut (for good) on the eclipse season AND on the balancing act we’ve been struggling with between our homes and our jobs, our emotions and our finances, the feminine and masculine energies. The new moon in cancer is a highly charged event as we are still purging our layers of karmic pain and suffering passed down through generations. We are being asked to examine what is out of balance in our lives and where we need to put ourselves back at the top of our own priority list. This is about recognizing what we need to feel emotionally safe and secure in our lives, what kind of environment we’ve created within our homes, and the energy exchange within our relationships (especially with the mother figure or feminine divine energy).

As always, a new moon is asking us to begin a new cycle. This new emotional cycle will have us implementing boundaries, nurturing ourselves as we so easily do for others, and to re-organize the space in our homes to provide a safe place to rest and heal. The energy can feel very heavy and foggy surrounding this new moon as we’ve only just begun to see glimmers of the path we are about to initiate in moving forward. There is still a lot of confusion surrounding our options and many decisions are weighing on us as we begin to start a new cycle.

This is a great time to hold a vision for the future you want to manifest and hold that vibration strong. We are about to enter in Leo season which is the pivotal point in the solar calendar in which new sparks get initiated and new life takes form. We are holding this vision strong as we enter into August and we approach the lion’s gate portal on 8/8 where we solidify our new lightcodes and anchor in the new timelines we’ve been envisioning.

So while we are in the dark phase of the moon (while the moon goddess herself prepares to enter into a new phase of life), retreat from the world to contemplate the new cycle you wish to manifest. Consider your dark emotions emerging as a request to let go of the past and to cleanse yourself of the old patterns and behaviours that have been blocking the life you want to be living.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and download your Moon Guide to help guide you through.



Venus in Leo

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (27).jpg

Venus, the Goddess of love, money, and long-term commitment moves into the fiery and passionate sign of Leo today. Venus had a hard go in Cancer as she spent many months crying herself to sleep, rebuilding herself from disappointments from the heart, and reeling from the changes that took place within the family dynamic of the home. She spent most her time in Cancer feeling less than and broken. And now that the watery, tearful season is behind her, she can't wait to pick up the mood and dive into the passion of Leo.

Both Venus and Leo love love. They both want to find that special someone and connect on all levels. If you are single, you could find a very intense romance unfold under this energy. If you are already coupled, you will see a resurgence of romance and flirty fun. This is a time where we move forward with an open heart as we just released huge weights and energetic blocks from our heart chakra.

Love will be the focus during Venus’ stay in Leo, as we reconnect with what we are passionate about. Creative projects will be reignited and anything that triggers an intense emotion will want to be expressed and shared.

Venus also wants to focus on her money. Although she is feeling good, positive and confident under this energy, she has a tendency to be a bit to generous and in turn overspend on things that don't really make sense to her long-term commitment and goals.

Venus is always thinking about the future. Even though her hair is down and she's dancing her little heart out under this Leo energy, she is still evaluating what means the most to her as far as her long-term commitment and values go. Any decisions that need to be made under this influence will have a light-heartedness to it to prevent you getting bogged down with the seriousness and responsibility of having to make major life decisions. The good news is, anything trivial that has the potential to drag us down will be tackled with a much more positive and optimistic mind frame. We are finding new worth in our relationships, in how we make our money, and how we are planning for the future.

There are some cautions that come with this energy. Because Venus takes love, money, and commitment very seriously, we have to make sure we don't become overly dramatic in our interactions. We want to avoid over dramatizing ourselves and over sharing our emotions. Of course we don't want to over spend, or commit to anything that our heart doesn't agree with. This is definitely a time where you need to let your heart lead the way.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your Monthly Forecast, or listen to June’s Energy Forecast!

Neptune Retrogrades in Pisces

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (26).jpg

Every planet goes retrograde (backwards in its path) at some point. We are all too familiar with Mercury retrogrades, and although each planet has a different effect on us when they retrograde, the planets closest to us, like Mercury and Venus are felt a bit more than the planets that are further away from the Earth, like Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune. Although the effects of these planets are less than what we would experience from our neighbouring planets, don't be fooled in thinking the effects won't be felt at all.

Today Neptune has gone retrograde. Neptune, the "dreamy" planet of idealism and imagination, along with illusions and confusion, is the ruler of Pisces, a water sign (emotions & intuition), and rules the 12th astrological house of the subconscious and deeper emotions.

Neptune is a planet that sometimes encourages us to live a life of denial. It lends the energy that can encourage us to make excuses, and will support us to live in a world of daydreams and illusions. It also encourages us to continue ignoring dark truths that we really should be confronting head on. When Neptune goes backwards (retrograde), it can feel like we've had a bucket of cold water thrown at our faces, forcing you into the uncomfortable situations that you need to be in — all in the name of growth.

From now, and for the next 5 months until the retrograde ends, we will all feel the overall effects of this transit. Some of the feelings you can expect to face will be uncomfortable to say the least, but very imperative for your growth.

A Big Wake-Up Call Is About To Happen...

You're going to be faced with some truths and realities that you've been trying hard to ignore. Because Neptune's dreamy energy allows us to quickly pass over unpleasant truths, its move backwards gives us the opposite effect: a harsh wake-up call. Try not to react initially to this news, and instead allow time for it to be absorbed and contemplated over before getting too emotional over it.

Some Serious Self-Reflection Is About To Take Place...

Neptune is a planet of spirituality and provides a great energy and opportunity for both personal and spiritual growth. This retrograde provides the perfect time and energy to go inward to discover your true wants, needs and desires. You will be able to identify the areas of yourself that requires a bit more attention and work, by figuring out what in life is working FOR you, or AGAINST you. Neptune in retrograde offers a strength in ridding bad behaviours; whether it be putting a stop to self-sabotaging tendencies, or ridding one's self of an addiction. Addictions begin primarily due to the want and desire to escape reality, so this retrograde lends the power to step out of escapism.

Spiritual Growth Is On The Agenda...

Neptune retrograde is also super helpful when it comes to spiritual growth. This growth stems from a foundation of confusion at first, as you contemplate what it is you actually believe in. Even those who stand firm in their beliefs will find themselves second guessing their understanding of spirituality and how it's a part of their lives. This is a great time to come to terms with your spirituality and to get a better understanding of it. You will have new ideas or understandings around your spirituality, which can cause inner-conflict and confusion. Be patient with yourself during this time and process. When Neptune goes direct, clarity soon follows, and we may receive a new understanding that we will then have to integrate within ourselves in order to move forward.

You're Going To Have Some Pretty Profound Ah-Ha Moments...

With this Neptune retrograde forcing us to acknowledge things we've been trying really hard to ignore, you'll also be having some important revelations, or ah-ha moments. Neptune’s "dark side" is actually a blessing in disguise, as it uncovers the harsh realities of what we've been avoiding. Be forewarned that these ah-ha moments might be painful to acknowledge and absorb, but it's super important to face these issues head on. You'll be pushed out of your dream world to face reality and get real with yourself. Endings of bad relationships, jobs, and anything else that makes you unhappy, is highly likely during Neptune's retrograde as it gives you the swift kick in the butt you need in order to make the changes necessary that you might regularly just try to ignore. Neptune in retrograde gives you the push you need to leave the negative behind.

You'll Have The Energy And Motivation To Take Action...

Even in an uncomfortable state of acknowledging things you've tried so hard to ignore and keep hidden, you will also have the energy and motivation to make long lasting changes to your life. Neptune retrograde is pushing you to confront your darkest truths and step out of your dream world. It's also going to lend you the energy to push you to get things done. You're likely to feel motivated and inspired to walk away from the things that no longer work for you, and encourage you to try something new. Pay attention to your dreams during this time, and don't be surprised when certain pieces of your dreams enter your reality.

You'll Feel Better Prepared In Planning For The Future...

One of the best, most positive things about Neptune retrograde, is that it pushes you to make real, solid plans for your future. Between the spiritual growth, the ah-ha moments, and the motivational energy to take action, you really do have all the help you need to make important goals for your life that really are going to be good for you in the end. Neptune in retrograde will definitely show you how to start actually working towards the life you envision.

You'll Have A Strong Sense Of Understanding... 

For many of us, we will gain a greater perspective of ourselves and the relationships we have. We will begin to see the truth of issues that have been weighing us down, and consuming our thoughts since a significant event took place in our lives last six months. We are all going to experience a heightened sense of intuition during this retrograde, and with it, we will be able to receive a lot more information than usual. Trust yourself and the thoughts and feelings that arise during this time, as you will be more in touch with truth now, then ever before. Be patient with yourself as you experience the growing pains that accompany a new shift in perspective, and receiving the new information being thrown your way. Take the time to absorb the knowledge, and process it accordingly before you make any rash decisions or take action on a new path forward.

It's important for all of us to spend a bit more quiet time inward, as this energy can help you reconnect with your higher sense of purpose and inner values. It's a great time to revisit that five-year plan you drew up at the start of this year. If you feel like you've lost track of your long-term goals recently, lean into this energy as it will help you gain perspective on what it is you actually want for yourself.

It's up to you to decide whether you go with the flow or whether you want to be dragged through these times of change.

If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where this energy is showing up in your life, you should probably check it out. Listen to this week’s energy forecast, and June’s Energy Forecast to get the full story.



Full Moon in Capricorn

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (22).jpg

Today we have a Full Moon in Capricorn. It's been back-to-back energy shifts for us lately, and in true astrology fashion, we have this beauty of a Moon blessing us with sheer focus, as we know what we have to do now, and are so focused and fixated on it, that we are ready to take action.

Being the focused, determined business-minded energy that Capricorn is, and seeing as the Full Moon phase assists us in letting go, this sweet, strawberry moon asks us to get serious. In staying in tune and in alignment with the energies at play, this Full Moon carries a heavier, more serious tone as we are so focused on what has to be done that we can't think of anything else.

The interesting point of this energy is that, because we are in Cancer season, all the FEELS are highlighted and we may find ourselves way more highly emotional than normal. This Cancer energy may conflict with the Full Moon energy in such a way that you will be torn between wanting to get started in your plan of taking over the world in Capricorn fashion, but may be just not today, in Cancer fashion.

The good news is that this Full Moon is the closer for our eclipse season which provided some interesting energies to work with, and now we get to process all the changes needed over the Summer months. Of course I will keep you up-to-date with the energy and how to best navigate it, but for now, please let the Capricorn Full Moon do it's part in preparing you to take care of business and tackle the challenges at hand.

The earth energy from Capricorn, and the water energy from Cancer has the potential to create quite a storm inside us! Do your best to stay centered and grounded and experience the FEELS as they rise to the surface. Think about what you were dealing with back in January - February of this year. Those themes and events got stalled for many reasons, and you'll find we refocus our energy back to those themes to actually DO something about them this time around.

Another timeline we can connect to is 2018, when the nodes of the moon brought us the lessons of the Cancer/Capricorn axis. Choices and decisions surrounding the home and family, the career and authority in ones position; the push and pull between emotional safety and security and financial stability. These topics are being highlighted once again as we now have new information and details to work with that will likely alter the course and path of us moving forward.

This Moon is heavily focused on releasing attachments. Recognizing that we need to disconnect and detach from old ways of thinking, feeling, being, in order to create a space for the new to enter into our realms.

Because Saturn rules over this Full Moon, we have to focus on karma and where we’re being asked to boss up in life and create new foundations to build off of. It’s an integration point where we need to analyze our inner workings to determine what needs to be revised and in some case rewritten in our internal dialogue and then be able to watch the shift in our exterior realities.

If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where this energy is showing up in your life, you should probably check it out. Listen to this week’s energy forecast, and June’s Energy Forecast to get the full story.



Welcome To Cancer Season & The Summer Solstice

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (24).jpg

Today marks the Summer Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, when we experience the longest day of the year, and the shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.

Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, the Solstice represents the peak of the year and the point of highest energy. We have had a pretty tough first part of the year, and luckily for us, even being in the intense eclipse and retrograde season, the second half of this year will be more about cleaning up the mess the first part of the year created. Make no mistake though, we still have lots to learn and many shifts to endure.

The Summer Solstice is a time of light, masculinity and outward expansion. We can expect the power of the Sun to light up and illuminate everything that now needs our focus and attention.

The Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the lowest point of energy for the year. The Winter Solstice is a time of darkness, femininity, and inward expansion. Southern Hemisphere natives will find themselves in a reflective state as they are in the season of death preparing for rebirth.

Regardless of where you are at in the world, you can feel the energy of the changing seasons by observing Mother Nature. Her energy in the North provides sunny days, warmer weather, with bright blue skies and rich greenery all around. The wildlife is alive, growing, and singing their songs of a new solar season. In the South, the days are dark, cold, and dreary. The colors of the sky and land are grey. There are no birds singing and chirping, as the season calls for rest.

Even though there are differences in the energy of the Solstice, the planetary or cosmic energy is the same no matter where you live.

There are beautiful patterns among the stars as they set us up to experience  lessons in a way that allows the energy to build and become clearer and stronger as the planetary alignments take place. The Solstice lends us the energy to see the things we need to focus on in a brand new light, as the Sun reaches the peak in the sky.

The Sun moves into Cancer today triggering the Solstice, which lends us a softer energy to work with as we face these new issues and themes as they arise in the light of the Sun. The Sun in Cancer will have you focusing more on your family and your home life. This gentle water sign will have you feeling a bit more sentimental than usual, and calls your attention to the home and what part of you, and others, need to be more nurtured.

The cosmic energy around the Solstice is taking place at the tale end of eclipse season, while Mercury is still retrograde, and days before the Full Moon. This is an intense energy, almost like the heavens are beaming down on us and lighting up areas of our lives that are screaming for attention.

We are all going to be called upon to step into our fullest potential and begin aligning with our purpose and our highest path. Up until this point in the year, we were being asked to question our reality, what we wanted to see change and have the end result of our vision come into real life. The second half of the year, from today onward, will be taking action to make the changes necessary to have you more aligned with your purpose by the time 2021 comes to an end.

Use this Solstice energy to make a final edit, and review the final changes to your vision. This is the final draft. You will have the opportunity to release the themes and issues that need to be let go of before your vision can come into reality. Make sure the blueprint you have for your life is solid. Take the time to think about the small details and make changes accordingly. A lot can happen in 6 months, and whether you believe it or not, you will be living a better version of the life you're currently living, if not a totally new version of life altogether, by the end of this year.

It is time to build bigger dreams, have higher ambitions, and to find more and more joy. In fact, if you don’t know where to start with all of this energy, start by following your joy and the rest will fall into place.

Life is strange sometimes, but remember that aside from all the lessons and growth, we are here to have fun. Focus on using the cosmic energy of the Solstice to bring in as much joy into your life as you can. Set a foundation of happiness to grow on, because we are about to start building our dreams with much more passion and determination than you ever thought you had inside you.

If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where this energy is showing up in your life, you should probably check it out. Listen to this week’s energy forecast, and June’s Energy Forecast to get the full story.

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Jupiter Retrogrades in Pisces

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (23).jpg

Today, June 20th, we have Jupiter going retrograde in Pisces. He's only been there for a quick minute. He's only two degrees in Pisces and now he's going to pause and retrace his steps. Jupiter is about growth, he's about expansion - especially where our beliefs and our spiritual practice is concerned. He wants us to step outside of our comfort zones and push the boundaries of our knowledge, of our capabilities, of the opportunities that await us.

The life lessons that were actually working through while being in Pisces is a huge indicator as to what 2022 is going to be about. A lot of this is about disconnecting from our external realms and moving inward, reconnecting with our spiritual practice, and really fine tuning and strengthening our intuition and our connection to the Divine.


Because the knowledge that we seek is within us. It is not outside of us. The validation that so many of us look outside of ourselves for, is within. The only validation that you need in life is whether or not you resonate with the gut feeling, with your intuition, with your higher truth.

Jupiter retrograding is joining the other major heavy-hitting planets Saturn, Mercury, and Pluto. This is going to be a huge internal revelation, renovation, recalibration, and rejuvenation. Pluto is picking apart and highlighting for you, your fears and insecurities and where it is that you've given your power away and where it is you need to take it back. Where it is it you need to put a death to certain parts of yourself blocking you from truly aligning with your Soul's purpose. Saturn’s retrograde is doing the inner work needed in order to make peace with the karmic life lessons and cycles that you've already been taught to see whether or not you're going to incorporate them in your 3D reality in order to ascend and evolve to the 5D reality in New Earth that awaits us.

Jupiter going retrograde in Pisces is only going to add to the fact that the answers that we’re seeking, the truth and the knowledge that were after, we have inside of us! We have to grow and expand our spiritual connection to ourself first and foremost; and to the Divine second, because it's all the same. We are the power of the universe! The Universe - yes, outside of us holds some power and holds some knowledge. But, we ARE the Universe! The Universe is within us!

So this is going to be a huge wake up and shake up for those of you that are still looking outside of yourself in your external realm for truth, for knowledge, and for validation; because everything that you need is within you!

If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where this energy is showing up in your life, you should probably check it out. Listen to this week’s energy forecast, and June’s Energy Forecast to get the full story.

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Mars Enters Leo

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (21).jpg

When Mars the planet of energy, drive, action, passion, and anger moves from the emotional, family dynamic of Cancer, to the bold and fearless sign of Leo, we are taking the spotlight in a brand new way.

We will see our confidence get a huge boost as the lion within us all comes roaring from the darkness of the cave only to remind everyone of the power of the pride still shines strong. We've done a lot of inner healing, recognizing where we needed to release our fears, releasing the power and control we exert on making sure that we are always the leader of the pack.

Now that we've licked our wounds and have put ourselves back together after sitting in darkness, we are ready to resume the spotlight and bring our best selves out to shine. We have renewed our strength and are coming back into the world with a boldness and fearlessness that we haven't had before. We find strength in expressing ourselves, telling our truths and honouring our heart. We aren't shy anymore, we're not trying to hide.

Now we are ready to bring our true and raw talents to center stage. We want to be seen, we want to show the world what we are capable of, and we will stop at nothing to get the attention we deserve.

Our playful sides come back to lighten the mood of the situations that have weighed us down. We are seeing the sparks fly in our romantic relationships and in our creative projects. We have a self-confidence within ourselves that we haven't had before. It's time to go after what it is you want in life, speak your truth, and stop at nothing until you honour yourself and actually succeed in been the shining star that you are.

Having Mars move into Leo hours after the powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini, gives us a beautiful energy to start fresh with. We would have already felt a shift within us, within our mental planes and heart space, and now we get to begin our new cycles with the fierceness that Mars in Leo provides. We are still under the influence of Mercury being retrograde, along with the other heavy hitting planets - Pluto & Saturn - also retrograde, helping us clean up our karmic mess from previous timelines. We are heading into what will be a very intense time period of newness, initiation, beginnings, experimenting, and a new vibration and frequency to ground in.

Mars in Leo gives us the warrior vibe we need to move forward with confidence and clarity, to reclaim our power, to align with purpose and passion, and to go after what we are being called to pursue. Align with the passion and bravery of the lion and stand proud in your experiences that made you who you are today.

If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where this energy is showing up in your life, you should probably check it out. Listen to this week’s energy forecast, and June’s Energy Forecast to get the full story.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (20).jpg

Today, the Lunar Goddess Herself reveals a new cycle of ideas, expression, and learning as she enters into the airy realm of Gemini. Any New Moon is an invitation to initiate and begin new ideas, projects, adopt new ways of thinking, and attract new relationships. It’s a great time to set out some new goals for yourself. This New Moon in Gemini is supercharged with new beginnings and cycles as this is our solar eclipse which will slam the door shut on old cycles, old ways of thinking and living, and expose us to new truth, new information, and new details that will totally change the game moving forward.

Eclipse energy is karmic in nature, meaning we have to surrender to the Universe and let the karmic cards fall as they should. Last month’s Full Moon TOTAL lunar eclipse in Sag removed elements from our lives, creating a space for new timelines and life lessons to begin.

The changes that need to be made in your life will always usually reveal themselves the week before a New Moon, so pay attention to the negative aspects that take places prior to a New Moon to see what you need to change. From there you can adopt a new routine, style, thought pattern, etc.

Using the energetic influence of the sign the New Moon takes place in, you can see what kinds of activities are most favourable to focus on and harness the elemental energies at play. The New Moon in Gemini, favours communication and expression in all forms. It rules over the way we process information, solve problems with out-of-the-box thinking, and how we interact with others. Because the Moon represents our emotional state, we will find much emotional comfort and security out of the energies in which Gemini rules over.

It’s a great time to speak your truth, whether verbally or in written word. It’s important to express yourself using words, or other art mediums to translate yourself in a different form. It’s important to read up on a new subject or invest in a new area of interest. Gemini is like a sponge, soaking in information and stimulating the mind.

Our inner narrative will see an overhaul as we are receiving information of ideas, perspective, and seeing thing connect in a pattern. That information drives us to form a new way of thinking. The mind is strong and can be rewritten under this energy as we want to make our inner narratives ones of support and not ones of aggression.

There is a huge opportunity for an emotional clearing under this New Moon, as cycles end to make way for new beginnings. The airiness and emotionally detached Gemini energy likes to keep things light and playful, so rewriting a more positive dialogue for your inner voice would be a great idea.

Be open and playful under this energy. Distract yourself with ideas and thinking. Jot down some goals or new projects you'd like to start. Most of all, speak your feelings into existence. When you are emotionally triggered, take the opportunity to process that emotion with the powerful mind of the Gemini influence and see how much you grow. 

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your June Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  download your Monthly Zodiac Forecast and New Moon Eclipse alignment guide, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Venus Enters Cancer

Today, Venus, the Goddess of Love, beauty, money, and long-term commitments, moves into Cancer, bringing a welcomed change to all of our relationships, our homes, and our own feelings and sentiments. In astrology, it’s Venus that often dictates our love lives, our worth, and what we seek in our long term plans.

Venus has finished up her time in Gemini, which was probably a rockier time for most of us. Venus in Gemini had us divided within ourselves and had us conflicted within our own relationships. We were divided between our heart and our head. We seemed to have different thoughts and opinions compared to those around us. And we definitely felt torn down the middle on everything we had to think about.

Now with Venus entering into soft and sentimental Cancer, we will see a shift within ourselves and our relationships with love, money, and the future, because Cancer is where Venus’ heart feels at home. Venus excels here, she’s comfortable here, which is important because it’s these qualities that will be surfacing for all of us in the coming weeks. Venus’ placement in Cancer triggers her wants, needs, and desires for a home, a family, and something that is so stable and grounding she never has to fear losing it. We tend to reflect on the past to gain perspective on what is most important and where we can level up our own safety and values.

During this transit, we can expect some big changes, especially with the eclipse portal still being wide open pushing us to level up into new realities. This means that our relationships will be changing and likely will be getting much more serious.

Venus moving into Cancer is the ultimate time for upping your love game and getting serious about your commitments to yourself and another person. Don't be surprised at how romantically ewey and gooey you get over the next several weeks, as there are parts of you being awakened by this planetary shift. Be open to love now, both from yourself and from other people. You will likely be shifting your thinking around your own worth and value, while carefully choosing people of value to share yourself with.

There will be many heart-to-heart conversations being had as we get in touch with our most vulnerable parts of ourselves. It’s time to speak our truth and express our true feelings with others.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your Monthly Forecast, listen to June’s Energy Forecast, and check out the energy for the day!

Mercury Retrogrades in Gemini

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (18).jpg

Mercury - ruler of the mental plane, how we think, process information and express ourselves - is going retrograde today in his place of power. Mercury is at his most strongest energy while in Gemini, but even as strong as he is, he is no fight for the retrograde.

Think of Mercury at the wheel of a car, driving us all into new ideas, thoughts, visions, and dreams for the future. The retrograde essentially drugs him and he starts losing consciousness. Things get blurry, confusing, and he’s unable to communicate how he’s feeling. After a slight swerve, the others in the car grab the wheel from him and safely pull over where Mercury can be taken out of the drivers seat and cozied up in the backseat where he ebbs and flows out of consciousness while the drive continues.

Mercury - while passed out in the back seat on this journey through life, will slip into a dream state where memories and situations from the past resurface for him to reprocess. He will shift his focus to the past reviewing his life lessons and soul contracts. He’ll think about his future plans but may need to reconsider where changes are needed. And although he’s muttering non-sense to the rest of us here in the car, we aren’t fully understanding what he’s talking about.

Mercury actually retrogrades at the exact point in which Venus retrograded in Gemini this time last year. Relationship issues of all kinds came up last year and many relationships dissolved all together. Many relationships decided to sweep things under the rug and ignore the topics and themes of dissatisfaction in life and love. But now, with Venus in Gemini once again, she takes over the drivers seat to lead this journey forward with her heart while Mercury brings up things from the past that she’d rather not think about.

We all have to slow down and pay attention to what needs to be revisited and reviewed. We are in a stage of reprocessing and revising our past in order to close the door on some karmic chapters for good. We cannot move forward - as much as we want to right now - as we are in a time of reflection and recalibration.

We have Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto all in the backseat retrograde. Mercury makes us think, Saturn makes us boss up and prove we’ve learned something from our past lessons, while Pluto wants us to face our deepest and darkest fears and insecurities to put a death to the narrative that keeps those parts of us alive. The 3 of them continue to mutter incomplete thoughts and sentences from the backseat triggering us in the front seat to try and figure out what the hell they are talking about. This is a time of high confusion, thick fog looking forward, and painful memories of the past resurfacing for one final hoorah.

Because Mercury is in his place of power in Gemini, this retrograde will be an intense one. The normal glitches of Mercury’s retrograde - scattered thoughts, past reflection, broken communication, and loads of confusion - will be amplified and intensified.

We are not in control at this time. We are deep in retrograde season and still in eclipse season. We must learn to surrender to whatever is coming up for us. We are being manhandled by the Universe to sort out our karma and to find ourselves more aligned with our soul’s purpose than ever before once this is all over. So get comfortable with chaos and confusion because we have 3+ weeks of it to go before any kind of clarity will be had.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to May’s Energy Forecast, the Weekly Energy Forecast, and/or download your Monthly Zodiac Forecast.

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (17).jpg

Today’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is a turning point in the collective consciousness. Full Moons are typically about endings and release of cycles. A lunar eclipse is a highly charged karmic event that has a tendency to fast forward us through timelines and help us overcome blocks from our past. The Sagittarian energy is a fire energy. It’s the great philosopher of the zodiac. It is our spiritual warrior, one who honours truth, one who tries to unify, one who has a greater vision for the future.

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse event is the continuation of the life lessons of the true nodes (which indicate our future destiny based off of our past life lessons) on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. These Gemini/Sagittarius storylines are about learning, education, communication, with a larger group, the greater grander collective, and how we have to realize that old ideas, beliefs, and truths are dissolving, revealing the lies and deceit we’ve been brainwashed under. There are new details and truths emerging forcing us to move inward and connect to our higher selves to figure out for ourselves what truth we resonate most with.

As with any moon event, the days leading up to it are pretty dark, littered with dark emotions and thoughts. It is divinely constructed to have these dark parts surface to be illuminated and given a new life under the light. This week has been a crazy one on the global stage, all divinely scripted to trigger the darkest parts of the collective to be felt and acknowledged.

The purpose of the dark is to give the light an opportunity to overcome, to turn pain into power, and to elevate the vibration and consciousness of everyone on the planet. The dark can only exist because there is light, and it is only love and light that can force the dark out of hiding.

This full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius is where our spiritual warrior comes out to play. Where we suddenly receive clarity on how to write the wrongs of our past, and how we can bridge the gap of misunderstandings to stand together and create a new earth.

With the Moon in sagittarius and the Sun rooted in Gemini, we are clearly seeing the divide. We are swamped with information but lacking great wisdom. We are conflicted and divided on every topic that comes up within us and all of this energy is being manifested through the man-made division of humanity through race wars, politics, inequality of all kinds.

What happens on earth is a direct manifestation of the cosmic war going on in the Universe. This is a spiritual war between light and dark; good and evil. And this particular moon event - laced with eclipse energy - will give the collective an opportunity to write the wrongs of our past doings and with the understanding that we are all one, will unify in spirit to transcend past the man-made divides to heal the wounds of many.

This year is the continuation of the great awakening where we get to tweak our lives and test new waters. We still have a few pretty important markers to experience before we can get to work rebuilding and reorganizing the systems and structures that are currently crumbling to the ground. Your higher self chose to be alive during this time. We all have a part to play in raising the collective vibration into a higher frequency where we unify together and help humanity shift out of the darkness and into the light.

Today, let your spiritual warrior loose. Let yourself stand firm in all of your power and all of your truth. Focus on the light, the love, the new earth we want to create. Do not let your passion to defend turn into anger. Do not let your love turn into hate for the opposition. Do not let the darkness win. Today, stand in your light and harness every ounce of love you hold in your heart, for great changes will be played out on earth as we win the war of light above.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please DOWNLOAD YOUR MOON GUIDE, listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Saturn Retrogrades in Aquarius

Today, Saturn, the Lord of Karma and ruler over structures, authority, roles and responsibilities goes retrograde in Aquarius. Saturn’s full retrograde cycle will take place over the next 5 months ending in October. This major, heavy-hitting planet embodies the military Grandfather energy; strict, hardworking, tough love, all about working hard and taking your time to perfect your craft, the authority figure, and delegator of life lessons, is going to take us a few steps backwards in our lives so that we can destroy anything that left that we can hide behind.

If you are hiding being an illusion of your life, an unauthentic mask of who you are, and holding onto old outdated beliefs and structures that aren't serving you, Saturn will help you see what needs to be removed. There's a karmic element at play here where the old, present, and future parts of ourselves will be blended together, integrated for our highest good so that we may come out of this retrograde fast tracked onto our path forward with the karmic energy of the past having been cleared away, while we fully embrace the newly transformed self.

This particular retrograde is a life changer. We will see it play out on a global scale through the banking systems, government bodies, and religious communities as they fall, crumbling into a heap of old energy that isn't strong enough to weather our modern day storms. There is already evidence of this taking place on a global platform, and Saturn has a hand in it. We will see the rules and restrictions change once again challenging the current narrative and freeing us in a lot of the ways we’ve been feeling trapped.

This retrograde is also very potent because Saturn is joining Pluto in Retrograde in Capricorn as well, bringing all of the power and control issues to light. Pluto is triggering the darkest parts of ourselves, the not-so-good emotions surrounding obsession, guilt, fear, doubts, insecurities, and anger, so that we can use these darker emotions to transform them into light.

Together, and with the assistance of Mercury about to join them in retrograde - Saturn and Pluto will do a retrograde dance over the next 4.5 - 5 months causing all of our lives a bit of re-organization and refinement. The focus of this disruption, all in divine order, is to focus on the roles and responsibilities we have in life, and to breakdown the restrictions we've been living under in order to truly live more freely in the new world we are creating.

Our foundations, global systems, and structures are outdated, and because we - as a collective - are no longer satisfied with the happenings in the world on the global platform, an uprising of humanity will assist in helping those structures crumble as we are ready to build new.

We are in the year of adjustments; building and refining the changes we’ve already made leaving the past behind and bringing new cycles to life. We can clearly see that the cornerstones of the existing foundation need to be restrengthened, re-supported, re-poured in order to be structurally sound.

This is Saturn, the structural engineer coming in to overlook the project, and we've received a failing grade. Construction is halted to a stop so we can bulldoze the structure and its footings, only to start over and build it right from the beginning. And there's Pluto, the General Foreman of the job, irate and furious that the job is costing him money, he's insulted that his position of authority has been overruled by the engineer. This is HIS job, and HIS word goes. Jupiter going retrograde (in June) will amplify and intensify all the growth and expansion that needs to take place in order to get the project back on track. While Mercury’s retrograde will have us revisiting old ideas and choices that may flip the script of our overall big picture vision.

Saturn is obsessed, trying to hold onto any inch of the job he can save, not realizing that his need to control the situation when it's in the best interest of the future population that will house this structure, preventing what will be a huge, tragic disaster, where the structure could fall, endangering people's lives, is holding up the path of moving forward. He needs to stop, put himself in time out, and realize that he is wasting precious time and energy trying to protect and save something that is beyond repair. His only option now is to harness the power of his anger and disappointment and focus on rebuilding this project properly from the ground up.

With this shift in perspective, after surrendering to the situation that cannot be changed, he pools together his resources and gets the project on track and built the way the engineer suggested in the first place.

Surprisingly, the project gets completed much sooner than he had anticipated because the group of workers all got on the same page, believed in the same goal, and together, their energy accelerated them down their projected timeline leading them into the successful completion of the project. This is a perfect example of Saturn & Pluto being retrograde, and what we can expect over the next few months.

The key here, is to surrender. Recognize the fight you are fighting, see the reasons of why you are trying so hard to hold onto the outdated structures in your life KNOWING that they aren’t solid or strong enough to house the new dreams you are looking to build, and refocus your power and energy to embrace the change and start building new.

This cosmic alignment has been divinely orchestrated in your favour. As the world takes steps to get back to life and create new norms, we are also going through a huge DNA upgrade as we integrate what we’ve learned into our total being. Ask yourself: Do I want to go back to what normal was? Was normal working? Where do I feel angry and frustrated? What new foundations can I build for myself? What ideas am I’m refusing to let go of? And where to I need to take my power back and stand up for myself?

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, I'd be more than happy to help guide you through!

Welcome To Gemini Season

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (9).jpg

The power of the Sun shines our energy and focus onto Gemini season where our minds show us their power. After a very long and slow Taurus season, we really need this time for our mental planes to be activated. We need clarity, logic, ideas, inspiration! We've been so focused on DOING that we need to take a step back and take a look of the building we've started to create. 

Normally Gemini season would have our minds working at lightening fast speeds. We would be way more observant as we pull the details of our environments and interactions into our brain where we could make sense, see patterns, and come up with solutions fairly quickly. But, because Mercury - Gemini’s ruler - is slowing down and preparing to retrograde, we won’t have the intellectual power we would normally have if Mercury would be direct through his time of power. Instead, we will be in review mode. We will be focusing on the past coming back up for reprocessing. We will be focused on reviewing old information under a new light. Once Mercury retrogrades (on the 29th) we will be in a weird state of time when our intuition will lead us to what our mental planes need to review.

Saturn will be retrograding prior to Mercury retrograding, and we can’t skip over the fact that Gemini season overlaps eclipse season. This is going to be a wild time where the lines between past, present, and future get blurred. There will be new information and details being revealed that will change our thinking completely, disrupt our plans for the future, but yet somehow put us on a path that will have us more in alignment with our soul’s purpose than ever before.

This is all well and good to have the power of the mind providing us with clarity and inspiration, but if you're not careful you can very easily switch to information overload and short circuit all together. It's up to us to balance the mind, body, and soul equation to make sure we are listening to each part of ourselves and asking what it needs. When the mind is overstimulated it causes anxiety and stress related issues throughout the body. Nervous or restless energy can become very dominate in Gemini season if the mental plane isn't monitored. 

The Gemini energy, although brilliant, lacks a certain amount of compassion and empathy for others, and feelings tend to get hurt. For a sign that rules communication, they really could use a bit of work in the emotional deliverance of facts, just a tad bit better. Because Gemini's are so intellectual and very much stuck in their heads, they tend to be a bit detached and cold in the emotional department. This kind of energy can lead to conflicts that were never meant to upset anyone, so be mindful of the emotional tone you use when you speak. Mercury retrograding isn’t going to help us in this department. If anything it will complicate things further, confusing ourselves and others. Communication won’t be easy, so we really have to force ourselves to act as the observer, pause, reflect, and think about how we can handle situations in new ways.

You will see many options reveal themselves to you under the Gemini energy. Options are never a bad thing to have, except when you have too many of them and your indecisiveness leads you to anxiety. That is very possible under this energy as we tend to get carried away with the details. We see so many opportunities that we become overwhelmed and paralyzed with indecision. The options being presented may not even come to fruition as the eclipse energy removes our will and allows karma to deal out new hands. What we go into Gemini season with, may not even be a possibility by the time Gemini season ends.

We tend to lose sight of the bigger picture while in Gemini. It's a balance between focusing on the big picture of where it is you want to go, and then focusing in on the small details of how you're going to get here. This needs to be a dance instead of one extreme or the other. The Full Moon TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE in Sag will add fuel to this fire as we are seeing new truths emerge, new paths forward be revealed, and more energy and attention forced on the big picture in order for us to be able to break it down in manageable steps.

Gemini season favours connecting with your siblings and your local community. It loves to explore and observe both people and their environments. It also rules technology and mechanical things such as cars and anything with moving parts. All of these are very much connected to the inner workings of the mind. But because this Gemini season is littered with cosmic energy from the retrogrades and eclipse season, you may have to face these aspects with a different frame of mind. Old situations and arguments could arise adding tension in sibling relationships. Technology and mechanical things could breakdown and fail altogether in classic retrograde fashion. And the mind, will NOT be working as clearly as we’d like.

It's important to be mindful of your mental activity during this energy, and make sure you are using it for good instead of bad. Don't fixate on negative or bad aspects of what's going on around you, instead always think the best case scenario and the lesson behind the experience. Be sure to keep referring back to your big picture goals when you get lost in the details, and surround yourself with as much opportunity to learn as possible. The main lesson this Gemini season: Go with the flow! Open your mind! Engage with new possibilities!

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Jupiter Enters Pisces

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Today Jupiter - the planet of growth and expansion - moves into his place of power in Pisces. Pisces is naturally ruled over by both Neptune and Jupiter, and it just so happens that both Jupiter and Neptune are now in Pisces together.

Jupiter brings us a new confidence and optimism to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones to grow and expand past our current consciousness and circumstance. Pisces is a water sign very connected to the spiritual part of life. It’s where we reconnect to our inner voice, our inner compass, and quiet the ego in order for the soul to speak. It’s all encompassing and can show us what lies beyond our physical realms.

Jupiter is our teacher, he rules over beliefs, religion and philosophy. He brings with him wisdom and blessings through opportunities of struggle and hardship offering silver linings to those who wish to expand their inner knowledge. He boosts our confidence within ourselves, he shifts our beliefs to a new truth, and he magnifies where in our lives we need to escape the old ways of thinking in order to see new perspectives and opportunities emerge.

His time in Pisces will be short lived but will offer us a preview of what’s to come. Jupiter will be in Pisces until he retrogrades back into Aquarius July 27th, helping us to revisit and retrace our steps to align with a greater vision for the future after letting our soul lead from now until then. Jupiter is an outer planet meaning his influence is best seen on the global stage. We will see a huge shift in the consciousness of the collective, where lies and deception will be illuminated for us to attach ourselves to a new truth.

Once this new truth is revealed he will retrograde moving backwards into Aquarius where we can take this new information and restructure our path’s moving forward. Jupiter will go direct in the Fall making his way forward in Aquarian energy once again before re-entering into Piscean waters on December 28th where he will root himself into that energy over the course of 2022.

Individually, we can expect huge growth in our mind, body and soul. We can expect to have our faith restored, our confidence boosted, and a very revealing and active dream life. We will level up our vibration as our intuition gains strength, and we will expand our minds and vision to a brand new horizon.

Depending on where Jupiter in Pisces is taking place in your birth chart, you will see a sector of your life be magnified and the volume turned all the way up on your growth. If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.