mercury retrograde

Mercury in Scorpio

Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental plane, how we receive information, form new ideas and expressions, and communicate that information outwards, has moved into the deep, dark waters of Scorpio. Mercury had an extended stay in Libra as we experienced his retrograde helping us to revisit our ideas, reorganize our thoughts, rebalance our relationships, and realign with our vision for the future. Now that Mercury is in Scorpio, our minds will shift into a more analytical state of questioning. We are blending our intellect with our intuition to dig up the important details we’ve shoved to the side within ourselves, and the information we’ve been choosing to avoid in our personal relationships.

The answers we are currently seeking cannot be found in our exterior realities. Instead, we must look within ourselves, trusting the guidance of our intuition and the Universe to reveal to us the details that we need to acknowledge. Mercury moving into Scorpio will be uncomfortable for many people as wading through the emotional and mental shadows within isn’t something that many people are willing to do. We ask ourselves the tough questions when mercury is in scorpio. We ask the tough questions of those we love as well. We want the truth and will stop at nothing to get it even if it means bearing the uncomfortable energy of wading through the deep emotional and psychological waters.

Mercury in Scorpio craves a true connection, an authentic connection with those we love. If there are secrets looming in the darkness of your relationships, it is during this transit that they are likely to be illuminated for all to see. Mercury in Scorpio blends our analytical mind with our hypersensitive intuition to reveal details we wouldn’t have otherwise discovered. It probes beyond the surface level of communications to find the deep seated roots of ones behaviour and motives as genuine or as manipulative as they may be.

This will be a time of deep emotional and subconscious unveiling. We may receive some intense flash backs of both memories and intuition while mercury is in scorpio. Our relationships will get intense and a bit more raw. We want to expose the truth in all we do and all we are. This is the best form of mental transformation we can undergo, as Pluto is Scorpio’s ruler. There is no way to escape transformation at this time.

We have the power and control to take the reigns and DO something about all we’ve endured. This is the perfect time to identify the pain that has held you back and turn that into power we can use to harness to project us into a new version of who we are. Bring forth the shadows you’ve worked so hard to repress and let them see the light.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Retrogrades in Libra

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (11).jpg

Mercury retrogrades are always a bit of an emotional and mental disaster as we are forced to look back on the past, revisit some themes and topics, and revise our plans for the future. Mercury is joining the other major hitting planets in retrograde, this time though, in Libra where we will get a chance to revisit some relationship issues and some topics and themes around justice, peace, and balance.

Mercury had entered into Libra back on August 30th, and has had us very focused on where we were thinking and living life in extremes. This realization helped us to restore peace, harmony, and fairness by speaking up and advocating for our own wants, needs, and desires, as we fought tirelessly to see what and who was worth our time, energy and efforts.

Mercury retrograding in Libra should reveal profound insights on what is fair. What we need as individuals, and what we need as a team. Conversations of depth and purpose will be easier to have. Self worth and inner value has levelled up, and using others as a mirror to see our own wounds still needing to be healed will give us the clarity and direction we’ve been lacking.

Make no mistake though, mercury is still reflective and asleep. The libra energy is naturally indecisive and constantly looking for external validation, and mercury retrograding in libra won’t be a clear mental game, instead we are still heavily reliant on our intuition and trusting the universe to guide the way.

Mercury will go direct in libra on October 18th when Jupiter who is retrograde in Aquarius will also go direct. This is an indicator of a HUGE shift in perspective, and destruction of old narratives, and a much more positive outlook of the future. These next few weeks will be full of dark truths emerging, exposing lies, corruption and misinformation and will lead to a very interesting sorting of details as we move forward. Mercury along with the other retrograde planets are preparing us for a total transformation to our realities once they all start going direct mid October.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September’s Energy Forecast, listen to this week’s Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mars in Libra

Today, Mars - the God of war, fuelling our physical energy, drive, passion, and aggression - enters Libra where he is at his weakest influence. Libra is an air energy effecting the mental plane, and Mars is used to exerting brute physical force to get what he wants. Libra will have him playing a game of intellect, asking him to use his charm and wit to manipulate and win his mental debates.

Mars hasn’t been in Libra since 2019, which isn’t a bad thing as Mars is very uncomfortable here. He has to essentially restrain his warrior like physicality and take his energy and focus to the mental battlefield. This will take a bit of an adjustment period for him adapt to, causing a more indecisiveness within him that he doesn’t enjoy. Libra energy is typically very indecisive, and the energy of Libra is taken on by Mars making him very passive-aggressive.

All of these energy influences will effect us. We don’t want to have to restrain ourselves. We don’t want to slow our bodies down to engage in a mental debate. But after we get over the fact that we don’t have much of a choice, we too will adapt and see where we can focus our energies in on pursuing what it is that will restore the balance, peace, and harmony in our lives, and go after it. Of course, with the indecisiveness, it may take a minute to figure out what that actually is.

This is a great time to mediate or defend ones self in a legal matter or in a situation where ideals and beliefs are tested. We have the ability to speaking clearly and confidently and really use Mars’ God-like skills of war in an intellectual forum. Charm and wit is key here. Realizing that getting what you want is still obtainable without exerting raw and aggressive force to get it.

Mars is on his knees during this transit, succumbing to the beauty and genius of Venus, his female counterpart and ruler of Libra, who is currently in Scorpio, Mars’ powerhouse and rulership. This is called mutual reception, when planets are sitting in each other’s powerhouse, and because of this, there will be a push and pull of energies to find a mid-point of balance. Here, he learns to soften those edges and slow his energy down to a more gentle tone, while Venus learns to assert herself to get what she wants and deserves out of her personal relationships.

This energy shift will be activating us all in different ways, but with all of the heavy hitting planets already retrograde, and Mercury about to join them, we will be transforming our ways of thinking and acting, and doing the healing work required to all that aggression we have to keep within ourselves.

To better assist you in navigating these energies, please listen to this week’s Ascension Forecast and energy forecast.

Mercury Retrogrades in Gemini

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (18).jpg

Mercury - ruler of the mental plane, how we think, process information and express ourselves - is going retrograde today in his place of power. Mercury is at his most strongest energy while in Gemini, but even as strong as he is, he is no fight for the retrograde.

Think of Mercury at the wheel of a car, driving us all into new ideas, thoughts, visions, and dreams for the future. The retrograde essentially drugs him and he starts losing consciousness. Things get blurry, confusing, and he’s unable to communicate how he’s feeling. After a slight swerve, the others in the car grab the wheel from him and safely pull over where Mercury can be taken out of the drivers seat and cozied up in the backseat where he ebbs and flows out of consciousness while the drive continues.

Mercury - while passed out in the back seat on this journey through life, will slip into a dream state where memories and situations from the past resurface for him to reprocess. He will shift his focus to the past reviewing his life lessons and soul contracts. He’ll think about his future plans but may need to reconsider where changes are needed. And although he’s muttering non-sense to the rest of us here in the car, we aren’t fully understanding what he’s talking about.

Mercury actually retrogrades at the exact point in which Venus retrograded in Gemini this time last year. Relationship issues of all kinds came up last year and many relationships dissolved all together. Many relationships decided to sweep things under the rug and ignore the topics and themes of dissatisfaction in life and love. But now, with Venus in Gemini once again, she takes over the drivers seat to lead this journey forward with her heart while Mercury brings up things from the past that she’d rather not think about.

We all have to slow down and pay attention to what needs to be revisited and reviewed. We are in a stage of reprocessing and revising our past in order to close the door on some karmic chapters for good. We cannot move forward - as much as we want to right now - as we are in a time of reflection and recalibration.

We have Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto all in the backseat retrograde. Mercury makes us think, Saturn makes us boss up and prove we’ve learned something from our past lessons, while Pluto wants us to face our deepest and darkest fears and insecurities to put a death to the narrative that keeps those parts of us alive. The 3 of them continue to mutter incomplete thoughts and sentences from the backseat triggering us in the front seat to try and figure out what the hell they are talking about. This is a time of high confusion, thick fog looking forward, and painful memories of the past resurfacing for one final hoorah.

Because Mercury is in his place of power in Gemini, this retrograde will be an intense one. The normal glitches of Mercury’s retrograde - scattered thoughts, past reflection, broken communication, and loads of confusion - will be amplified and intensified.

We are not in control at this time. We are deep in retrograde season and still in eclipse season. We must learn to surrender to whatever is coming up for us. We are being manhandled by the Universe to sort out our karma and to find ourselves more aligned with our soul’s purpose than ever before once this is all over. So get comfortable with chaos and confusion because we have 3+ weeks of it to go before any kind of clarity will be had.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to May’s Energy Forecast, the Weekly Energy Forecast, and/or download your Monthly Zodiac Forecast.

Mercury Direct in Aquarius

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (13).jpg

Mercury - the messenger of the Gods ruling over the mental plane, effecting how we think, how we form new opinions, and how we communicate - has been retrograde taking us back to revisit some topics and themes from the past that needed a bit more closure.

Mercury first fell asleep at the wheel back on January 30th, creating a conflict between our heart and our head. Once mercury actually went retrograde, all bets were off and our mental planes totally shut down leading us to have to trust and surrender to the universe and the emotional and karmic journey we were now on.

Mercury’s retrograde had us retracing our steps with the ideas and new goals we had since the beginning of the year. We had our realities shift rapidly and many of us have been lost in a whirlwind of confusion trying to make sense of all that has transpired.

We are now in Pisces season bringing up all the feels to heal and new dreams we’re trying to create. We will have stronger intuitions to help us connect the dots and with today’s Moon now in Gemini (Mercury’s in its place of power in Gemini), mercury comes back online, now very much awake out of his 3 week slumber.

With all planets direct we get to start moving forward from the emotional stand still we’ve been stuck in. The full moon in virgo is about a week away (Mercury also rules Virgo) and this full moon will illuminate the details we’ve been missing and reveal some pieces of the puzzle we’ve been searching for. This Mercury ruled full moon will help us get our minds in order, while mercury direct in Aquarius is helping us to break free from the situations we’ve been stuck in. This is a time to retrace our steps from mid January up until now, cleaning up the conversations that went wrong, and the straightening out the details that went to mush as the retrograde played its game.

Be cautious though, it will take mercury until March 13th to reach his full power and potential once again. Meaning, we could still experience mercury retrograde symptoms (confusion, breakdowns in communications, and the inability to actually take action in moving forward) until the power of mercury is at its fullest potential after this post-retrograde period.

As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Retrogrades in Aquarius

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (8).jpg

Today, the messenger of the Gods - Mercury - will retrograde for the first time in 2021. Mercury rules over our mental planes, information, technology, communication, and anything with moving parts. When mercury retrogrades (normally 3 or 4 times a year) we have to slow down and retrace our steps. Mercury retrogrades classically are a time to rest, revisit, re-edit and revise our plans, reorganize and restructure our thoughts and feelings, and reconsider our position in life. Mercury retrogrades get a bad reputation, but the truth is, mercury retrogrades are a powerful time for us to refine our energy and vibration.

This year, Mercury will be retrograding in air signs which will have us rethinking pretty much every element we’ve ever thought of. Its first retrograde of the year is in Aquarius, which means we have some revamping to do. Aquarius energy is about freedom, independence, the collective, rebellion, technology, and progressive movement. It’s focused on thinking outside of the box, breaking the moulds and is futuristically focused.

With mercury retrograding in Aquarius, we will see a huge reorganization of societal structures. We the people are being empowered to take our power back from the bigger establishments and have seen such a huge revolt against the old outdated paradigms and structures.

Collectively, mercury retrograding in Aquarius will have us backtracking just a tad to review all that has happened. We will have to take a second look at the information that we may have skipped over. We may see a huge reform in how we are interacting as a collective unit. Individually, we will likely have to revisit some old ideas, and revamp our plans before moving forward. We will likely see old people, ideas, and emotions re-emerge for a second glance.

Because communication is always disrupted during a retrograde, we have to expect a few minor conflicts that we will likely be able to clean up after mercury goes direct. We have some serious thinking to do and much of this thinking will be perspective changing as we move throughout the energy of the retrograde. Our intuitions lead us while mercury our mental plane is asleep at the wheel.

Expect huge amounts of insights and cosmic downloads to inspire you with a new vision. Expect the unexpected and expect to be confused as hell until we gain clarity once mercury goes direct. It’s a time of recalibration so don’t expect to make huge moves forward, and big steps of progress. Don’t put pressure on yourself to be productive as this isn’t the time to see physical results; instead it’s a time of deep contemplative thinking.

Mercury retrogrades are nothing to fear and instead are something to be cherished and valued. We always come out of them with more wisdom than we ever had before and more certainty on where our path is leading us.

As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online and I'd be happy to guide you through.

Mercury Enters Scorpio

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (24).jpg

Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental plane, how we receive information, form new ideas and expressions, and communicate that information outwards, is entering the deep, dark waters of Scorpio once again.

Mercury first entered into scorpio on September 27th, before going retrograde and backtracking into Libra. Mercury finally went direct in Libra on November 3rd - USA election day - where we’ve been observing misinformation, lies, deceit, corruption, and utter chaos ever since.

Although mercury in Libra usually fights for justice and what is fair, mercury isn’t quite awake yet and won’t be until his shadow period is over on November 19th. Mercury now re-entering scorpio waters will help us find the truth. It will dig into the darkness of corruption and expose the real details and truth for all to see.

This particular energy shift will shift our minds into a more analytical state of questioning. We are blending our intellect with our intuition to dig up the important details we’ve shoved to the side within ourselves, and the information we’ve been choosing to avoid in our personal relationships. Because we are also in Scorpio season, there are lots of endings and closures taking place in order for us to renew ourselves, rebirth ourselves, and resurrect ourselves into a brand new version for this next chapter.

Personal relationships have been tested as intimacy levels have either strengthened or fallen apart. Those who have been experiencing lies and deceit in relationships will see the truth for what it is and make the right decision on how to proceed. We have a few weeks left to make sense of all that has transpired and to have the heart to heart convos we need to have to clear the air. There is extreme intensity backing thoughts and emotions and jealousy and obsessive thinking could lead us down a dark tunnel if we’re not careful.

The answers we are currently seeking cannot be found solely in our exterior realities. Instead, we must look within ourselves, trusting the guidance of our intuition and the Universe to reveal to us the details that we need to acknowledge. Mercury moving into Scorpio will be uncomfortable for many people as wading through the emotional and mental shadows within isn’t something that many people are willing to do. We ask ourselves the tough questions when mercury is in scorpio. We ask the tough questions of those we love as well. We want the truth and will stop at nothing to get it even if it means bearing the uncomfortable energy of wading through the deep emotional waters.

Mercury in Scorpio craves a true connection, an authentic connection with those we love. If there are secrets looming in the darkness of your relationships, it is during this transit that they are likely to be illuminated for all to see. Mercury in Scorpio blends our analytical mind with our hypersensitive intuition to reveal details we wouldn’t have otherwise discovered. It probes beyond the surface level of communications to find the deep seated roots of ones behaviour and motives as genuine or as manipulative as they may be.

This will be a time of deep emotional and subconscious unveiling. We may receive some intense flash backs of both memories and intuition while mercury is in scorpio. Our relationships will get intense and a bit more raw. We want to expose the truth in all we do and all we are. This is the best form of mental transformation we can go under, as Pluto - The God of the Underworld - is Scorpio’s ruler. There is no way to escape transformation at this time.

We have the power and control to take the reigns and DO something about all we’ve endured. This is the perfect time to identify the pain that has held you back and turn that into power we can use to harness to project us into a new version of who we are. Especially when Mars - scorpio’s co-ruler - goes direct on Friday, November 13th! Things will already be in acceleration mode from the 11:11 portal activation we receive on November 11th.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Goes Direct In Libra

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (23).jpg

Finally, after a very long and confusing month and a half, Mercury - the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental planes, information, and communication - is going direct! We have been bombarded with information and details that haven’t necessarily been true all planned and plotted to confuse us into a state of not knowing. Not knowing essentially strips the trust of outside sources (government, media, healthcare, etc.) and causes a great awakening within one’s self.

Mercury went retrograde on October 13th, after having just entered into the depths and darkness of Scorpio waters. Dark truths and corruption were highlighted before mercury was essentially drugged, falling asleep at the wheel. Besides the normal disruptions in technology, plans and appointments, communications and thinking clearly, this particular mercury retrograde also provided a beautifully painful and uncomfortable opportunity for people to wake up and trust their intuition.

Mercury slowed his role in our lives as he remained unconscious, dazed and confused of his surroundings, backtracking through the early degrees of scorpio. Mercury slipped back into the final degrees of Libra which, although didn’t help much, got us out of the dark probing energy of scorpio waters.

Mercury asleep in Libra gave us a chance to revisit some of our relationship issues and made us face some of the misunderstandings we experienced in our personal connections. Mercury was retrograde for the very rare Taurus Blue Full moon on Halloween which just helped give us a solid stage to shut our critical minds down even further to allow the energetic knowledge of the spirit realm flow into our consciousness that much easier.

Now with Mercury going direct, he will essentially “come to” from his deep, drugged sleep while retrograde and will need a bit of time to get his bearings before starting to piece together all the details and information he received while unconscious.

He’ll be in his shadow period trying to make sense of all that transpired while he was asleep and it couldn’t come at a more interesting time than today - the USA elections. Because mercury is waking up in Libra, we are going to see a huge divide between our hearts and our heads, and between two very extreme groups of people, thoughts, opinions and ideas. Libra energy will help to find peace and balance in those extremes, and help mediate the situation to a point of fairness. But again, it’s going to take 2 weeks for mercury to be thinking, seeing, and speaking clearly. We will likely see chaos ensue, misinformation from all sides, and a need for higher ranking courts and governing bodies to help make a fair judgement - both on the global stage and in our personal lives.

Mercury will then re-enter scorpio on November 10th, pushing us to get to the bottom of the truth as we wade through the details of lies and corruption to find a middle ground as painful and as uncomfortable as it may be. Mercury’s shadow period gives us all a chance to retrace all that has happened and essentially give those not yet awake to what’s going on in the world a second wake up call. The energetic war that is taking place in our cosmos is being reflected on the global stage here in the 3D realm and make no mistake, we are in uncharted waters from here on out.

Will will have to revisit some ideas that got pushed to the side. We get a fresh set of eyes to see where obstacle still need to be resolved, and we get a chance to have the conversations we need to have in order to clear the air. Until mercury is full alert and awake we will struggle to make sense of things, but receive clarity bit by bit.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Energy Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Retrogrades in Libra

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (20).jpg

Mercury retrogrades are always a bit of an emotional and mental disaster as we are forced to look back on the past, revisit some themes and topics, and revise our plans for the future. Mercury has just slipped back into Libra where we will get a chance to revisit some relationship issues and some topics and themes around balance.

Mercury had entered into Libra back on September 5th, and had us very focused on where we were living life in extremes. This realization helped us to restore peace, harmony, and fairness in those relationships as we fought tirelessly to see what and who was worth the energy.

Mercury moved into Scorpio on September 27th where we got to play detective in our inner worlds to pull of the shadow parts of us that we tried so hard to push back and keep repressed. Mercury in Scorpio is about the quest for truth no matter how dark or painful it may be. Once mercury went retrograde in Scorpio, all bets were off. Mercury is essentially asleep at the wheel - we couldn’t rely on logic to solve issues rather we had to lean in to our intuition and trust that it would steer us in the right direction.

Now that some dark truths have emerged, corruption and lies have been revealed, and the raw details have emerged from the dark murky waters of scorpio, mercury will slip back into Libra where we get a second chance to see things from a different perspective. Now we can see very clearly the cut and dry truth of where we need to focus our attention. Who is worth the time and energy to keep around, and where we desperately need peace to infiltrate our lives giving us a bit of a break.

Mercury retrograding in Libra should reveal profound insights on what is fair. What we need need as individuals, and what we need as a team. Conversations of depth and purpose will be easier to have. Self worth and inner value has levelled up, and using others as a mirror to see our own wounds still needing to be healed will give us the clarity and direction we’ve been lacking. Make no mistake though, mercury is still very much asleep. The libra energy is naturally indecisive and constantly looking for external validation, and mercury retrograding in libra under the scorpio season won’t be a clear mental game, instead we are still heavily reliant on our intuition and trusting the universe to guide the way.

There is some added fuel to the fire as mars and Chiron oppose mercury’s backsteps in libra. This is where our frustrations and old traumas come out to be healed. Because scorpio season gives us the power to transform even the greatest of pains into absolute and total power, you can bet that we will have some deep revelations exposed in our psyche to help us regain our footing and power.

Cosmically and ironically enough, mercury will go direct in libra on November 3, election day. These past weeks of dark truths, exposed corruptions and misinformation will lead to a very interesting sorting of details as we move forward. Mercury will be in it’s shadow period until mid November where it will creep back into Scorpio for another shot at making sense of some very dark and serious topics transforming our inner worlds and the grander collective’s consciousness.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Retrogrades In Scorpio

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (16).jpg

Today, Mercury, the planet of communication, information, and moving parts of all kind, goes retrograde in Scorpio. This is happening between two full moons and while Halloween (Samhain) takes place when the veil to the spirit realm is thinned and we can receive communications and insights from other realms.

Mercury retrogrades seem to always pose problems with misunderstandings from communication breakdowns, technology failures like sending the wrong email to the wrong person, or travel chaos as things just naturally seem to get mixed up. Mercury retrogrades are a great time to slow down and revisit some issues from your past that you thought were done and over with. Retrogrades give us the opportunity to take what we've learned and apply it to the recurring situation for a different ending and closure.

There is an energy in this retrograde that makes us feel like we are ready for misunderstandings, we are ready for missing emails and no internet for no apparent reason, we are even ready for our travel plans to go awry. But as positive as we can be, no one every really knows what to expect until the past comes creeping back in.

Because mercury is retrograding in scorpio, we must expect our intuitions to take the lead as we dive into some shadow work. Repressed memories and emotions resurface for us to process and provide a closure to. This is uncomfortable for many people as the majority of the population goes to great lengths to avoid the darker emotions that life experiences create for us.

For many of my clients, they are experiencing past situations that they thought they had resolved both in their inner and outer worlds. Feelings and memories get triggered revealing areas of hurt that just don't seem to want to be healed. Some of my clients have been frustrated with the fact that not only is technology messing with them, but their mental planes are messing with them too, let alone the emotional war of struggling with darker emotions. And of course, those that have suffered HUGE detours in their paths as the plans they had got thrown out the window, slow down to revisit and revise how it is they actually arrived at this particular point in their path.

Is this deja vu? Are we seriously on rewind? Mercury retrogrades are notorious for exes climbing out of the woodwork to stir up some old emotions and memories. Consider it a test from the Universe to see whether or not you’ve actually grown and changed.

Mercury is retrograde until November 3rd (USA election day) where we will actually be in Libra as mercury creeps back into Libra to address some relationship issues before moving forward again. This energy and timeframe will create quite a situation of misinformation as the Universe is counting on us to think INTUITIVELY instead of LOGICALLY. So the "let's get down to the truth" kind of energy will be reverberating throughout the cosmos until then, and continue until November 10th when mercury moves back into Scorpio to finish his transit.

Mercury retrograding in Scorpio means that not only are we looking back in the past dealing with issues that had been to laid to rest, but we are now asking the deep seated questions of Why.... Why is this happening again? What did I miss the first time? What role am I playing to continue this storyline? And for christ sakes, WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO END IT? The answers you come up with might not make you happy. In fact, they will likely trigger the shadow parts within that are being called out to play so the Universe can zap them with some white light and transform them into something better. It's not going to be pretty, growth never is.

Mercury retrograde is taking us back, to ask the deep questions and then we're actually going to DO something about it.

Yes, the energy is raw, it's intense, and at some points it even feels dirty. So when you find yourself staring past hurt and trauma in the face, wondering how the hell you can make it stop, take a breath and remind yourself of all you've learned about yourself, about how you love and want love, how you value yourself, and how you could be a better version of yourself.

That will create the energy inside of you to apply what you've learned to the situation letting the Universe know that you're serious about change, and that you're willing to try new behaviours for better results versus repeating old patterns and behaviours and never really closing the door on your pain patterns.

There will be many planetary shifts that will help us on this journey as we detox ourselves of all things toxic to our Souls. We are preparing to enter into a new age with a whole new world of possibilities.

So take Mercury's retrograde seriously. Take advantage of putting old storylines to rest finally and for good! You may struggle to find your way through the dark, but I can promise you, you will be lead into the light.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Enters Scorpio

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (9).jpg

Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental plane, how we receive information, form new ideas and expressions, and communicate that information outwards, has moved into the deep, dark waters of Scorpio. This particular energy shift will shift our minds into a more analytical state of questioning. We are blending our intellect with our intuition to dig up the important details we’ve shoved to the side within ourselves, and the information we’ve been choosing to avoid in our personal relationships.

The answers we are currently seeking cannot be found in our exterior realities. Instead, we must look within ourselves, trusting the guidance of our intuition and the Universe to reveal to us the details that we need to acknowledge. Mercury moving into Scorpio will be uncomfortable for many people as wading through the emotional and mental shadows within isn’t something that many people are willing to do. We ask ourselves the tough questions when mercury is in scorpio. We ask the tough questions of those we love as well. We want the truth and will stop at nothing to get it even if it means bearing the uncomfortable energy of wading through the deep emotional waters.

Mercury in Scorpio craves a true connection, an authentic connection with those we love. If there are secrets looming in the darkness of your relationships, it is during this transit that they are likely to be illuminated for all to see. Mercury in Scorpio blends our analytical mind with our hypersensitive intuition to reveal details we wouldn’t have otherwise discovered. It probes beyond the surface level of communications to find the deep seated roots of ones behaviour and motives as genuine or as manipulative as they may be.

This energy will be with us until November 3rd, due to mercury going retrograde in Scorpio and then sneaking back into Libra to balance the scales and reveal even deeper truths in our relationships. This will be a time of deep emotional and subconscious unveiling. We may receive some intense flash backs of both memories and intuition while mercury is in scorpio. Our relationships will get intense and a bit more raw. We want to expose the truth in all we do and all we are. This is the best form of mental transformation we can go under, as Pluto is Scorpio’s ruler. There is no way to escape transformation at this time.

We have the power and control to take the reigns and DO something about all we’ve endured. This is the perfect time to identify the pain that has held you back and turn that into power we can use to harness to project us into a new version of who we are.

Since new karmic contracts just got introduced, the new timelines just got anchored, we need to step up to the plate and not be afraid to take a walk in the dark side of our soul. Bring forth the shadows you’ve worked so hard to repress and let them see the light.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Welcome To Aries Season


The time has come where we enter into a brand new energetic and astrological calendar, as we head into Aries season, marking the Spring Equinox for the Northern hemisphere. We are regaining our balance as the days turn into equal hours of light and dark. The fire element of Aries, dries us off from the complete saturation of emotional and karmic waters we just came out of from Pisces season. As we towel off, we are already eager to embark on new endeavours.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and under this influence we are ready to hit the ground running as we supercharge an area of our life. Aries is the trailblazer, the one who wants to dive into whatever excites them, and has the tendency to act first and think later. They initiate new energy and new paths.

Similar to the first day of Spring, the world comes to life and sneaks out of their winter shadows with the Sun in Aries. Aries energy is fast, quick to react, impulsive, head strong, and anxious to get things done. There is an abundance of energy as we set off into the world to make leaps and bounds on our paths forward, eager to accomplish what we set out to do.

A certain level of caution comes with this Aries season as it is being shadowed by Mercury’s retrograde shadow period. This means that we are going to get off to a slow start in accomplishing what the Aries energy wants us to do. We have to still rely heavily on our intuition to guide us through this shadow period.

With the Aries energy quick to act, we really have to stop and listen to the inner guidance we are being given. We have to PAY ATTENTION, and because Aries energy isn't really one to do that, we need to be overly cautious that we aren't jumping into things without consulting our hearts and our heads.

In astrology, Aries represents the head, which is appropriate for the sign as they are very headstrong and push through the barriers of restriction in order to tackle their dreams. The Sun moving into Aries poses an interesting tension on us, as the Sun and Chiron (the wounded healer) will meet up with each other giving us an opportunity to set the tone for the next 12 month energy cycle and how it is we are going to heal. We are going to be moving out of ego (head) and learn to live life from a higher sense of knowing as we tap into our higher consciousness and newly developed mental plane.

It's important that we not return to old patterns and behaviours during this time as what we focus on in the first weeks of Aries season will last throughout the new energetic calendar. Those who have developed spiritually, will pass this test by standing strong in themselves, their truths, and their power to transcend their old selves to fully embrace the new.

Everything we've learned over the past year, will be put to the test in this new energy cycle. Aries season helps us to get things started and to take the first steps on building new elements in our lives.

As long as you are being mindful to consult your intuition before proceeding to act on the impulses and urges you want to take action on, you will no doubt set a solid foundation and be overly productive in bring things to life while the Aries energy infuses you with the power and strength to blaze ahead.

As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your March Forecast or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

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Mercury Enters Pisces


Mercury - the messenger of the Gods, ruling over the mental plane, information, and communication - is now re-entering into Piscean waters. Mercury moved into its weakest place of power in Pisces back on February 3rd, where we felt our mental planes shut down, logic be thrown out the window, and mis-understandings be created every time we opened our mouths. Mercury in Pisces creates a conflict between what the head thinks and what the heart feels. With our clarity and perspective shut down we had no choice but to surrender to the ebb and flow of emotions, memories, and intuition.

Mercury then went retrograde in Pisces creating even more of an emotional mess where we had to face topics and themes from the past, memories and conversations we thought we put an end to, and were asked by the Universe to close the door on some issues for good.

We were blessed with a 5 day window of clarity when mercury retrograded back into Aquarius, and then turned direct, but that window of knowledge and insight now closes as mercury moves back into Pisces. This gives us one last chance to take what we’ve learned and explore our inner most feelings about it. Mercury, now direct in Pisces, allows us to actually do something to take action and move ourselves forward. Use this time to clean up the mess that mercury retrograde may have caused before we enter into a new astrological calendar.

Where does Pisces rule over in your chart? Download your March Forecast or book a session to find out.

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Mercury Direct in Aquarius


Mercury - the messenger of the Gods ruling over the mental plane, effecting how we think, how we form new opinions, and how we communicate - has been retrograde taking us back to revisit some topics and themes from the past that needed a bit more closure.

Mercury first fell asleep at the wheel back in February when it entered into Pisces (it's weakest place of power) creating a conflict between our heart and our head. Once mercury actually went retrograde in Pisces, all bets were off and our mental planes totally shut down leading us to have to trust and surrender to the universe and the emotional and karmic journey we were now on.

We had a beautiful break from some of the emotions mercury’s retrograde brought up a week a ago, when mercury slipped back into Aquarius taking us back to mid January to re-examine our ideas and plans. This was just enough fresh air and clarity to make us feel sane again.

Today, compounded with the energy of the full moon in virgo, mercury comes back online, now very much awakening out of his 3 week slumber to start moving forward from the emotional stand still we’ve been stuck in. The full moon in virgo is helping us get our minds in order, while mercury direct in Aquarius is helping us to break free from the situations we’ve been stuck in. This is a time to retrace our steps from mid January up until now, cleaning up the conversations that went wrong, and the straightening out the details that went mush as the retrograde played its game.

Be cautious though, it take mercury until the end of this month to reach his full power and potential once again. Meaning, we could still experience mercury retrograde symptoms (confusion, breakdowns in communications, and the inability to actual take action in moving forward) until the power of mercury is at it’s fullest potential after this post-retrograde period.

Where is this energy taking place in your chart? Download your March Forecast or book a session to find out.

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Mercury Retrogrades in Aquarius


Mercury - the ruler of the mental plane, information, and communication - has been retrograde in Pisces for weeks now. We are just past the half way mark, and now we get a small window of opportunity to dry ourselves off from the Piscean waters, to have a moment of clarity once again.

Mercury will be retrograding back into Aquarius for a couple of days before re-entering into Piscean waters. For the next 5 days we will be thinking clearer and will receive huge insights about our past experiences. Rewind back to January to revisit some ideas, plans, goals you had set for yourself that you didn’t have a chance to bring to life before Mercury moved into Pisces.

A lot has happened since the beginning of the year. We’ve learned a lot. And with mercury retrograding back into Aquarius, we will get another great opportunity to expand our minds and shift our perspective. There’s a quest for knowledge and information in aquarian energy. We seek to understand and to make sense of things. We need to know what it is we are working with so we can come up with new ways of tackling old problems.

This 5 day window of opportunity will help you feel a bit more in control than you’ve been feeling. Instead of floating with the rhythm of the piscean waves, we dive into the depths of the mind instead. Mercury is still retrograde though, meaning the energy is still very much kept inside of ourselves. This is a time of inner discovery, observing the moving parts and learning all we can about the situations around us.

Mercury will be re-entering Pisces once again to wrap up it’s retrograde. Meaning the clarity and insights we gain over the next 5 days will then need to be felt! We will be diving back into the emotional and intuitive waters of Pisces again to mull over all that we discover before we get the green light from the Universe to take action and move forward.

Where is mercury’s retrograde taking place in your chart? Download your March Forecast or book a session to find out.



Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio


Today marks the day that Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods ruling over information, communication, expression, and our mental planes goes direct again after its 3 week retrograde. Notorious for communication breakdowns, internalized feelings of confusion, information not being sent or received as normal and messed up plans, Mercury's retrograde in Scorpio has been no different.

There's been many situations and themes from the past coming back to haunt us, essentially testing us to see if we've grown and if we learned anything from the first time it's happened. We have get an opportunity when Mercury is retrograde to revisit, review, re-edit and repair situations that caused us pain and chaos.

So when Mercury retrograde throws the past back in our faces, we wanted to learn whatever it was we didn't learn the first time around, so we could finally provide a better ending to situations that will now be closed forever, granted that we prove to the Universe and ourselves that we actually did learn from the situations and we applied our new knowledge in order to get a different outcome.


With Mercury in Scorpio, the vibe got a bit more intense. It came with a depth of darkness and a very serious element of asking ourselves the deeper questions about the situation like, "Why is this coming up for me again?" "What didn't I learn the first time?" and "What do I need to learn in order to put an end to it for good?"

When any planet is retrograde that energy, instead of getting expressed outwardly as it does in a direct position, takes on a life of it's own inside of us. We internalize our thoughts and feelings, and become withdrawn from our normal selves.

Information isn't processed the same way under a retrograde so there's a certain level of confusion that we live in for the retrograde period. Now that Mercury is direct, the confusion becomes less and that energy can be expressed outwards.

We can now take all the answers to our questions and actually DO something about it. We are able to speak normally now as the filter of mental confusion gets lifted off of our minds, and the frustrations we've experienced get released as we can exert it outwards instead of keeping it all in. It's as if we come out of a deep sleep, requiring many cups of coffee to regain full consciousness and clarity moving forward.

When a planet moves from a retrograde to a direct position, it essentially means that we get to move forward again in our path. Because this forward motion is taking place in Scorpio, it means we can move forward with our quest for the truth, moving forward resolving the conflicts and frustrations that took place during the retrograde. We can now start being real in our conversations, being as authentic as possible. We will have the the opportunity to transform any situation that is triggering us whether it be into a state of non-existence or into a state of new territories and boundaries.

Although Mercury is direct, there is what's called a shadow period that will still lend a touch of the retrograde confusion to the energy as it slowly stabilizes. The shadow period will be over on December 7th, just in time for the holiday season.

Until then, you will feel the shift of the forward motion slowly taking place. With all the other planetary alignments taking place to help support and encourage the last purge of 2019 and this decade, be mindful that the brunt of the retrograde themes have been completed, but still be aware that travel plans, online purchases, and communication will still have the fading filter of the retrograde energy.

To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can book a Reading session online.

It's All Downhill From Here

We are entering into some exciting times in the cosmos and in our year end as we have made it half way through mercury’s retrograde in Scorpio! I know what you’re thinking… Really? Only half way?! Yes! Although mercury goes direct on November 20th, we need to expect the normal mercury retrograde antics until it is out of its shadow period until December 7th. It takes about 3 weeks (from November 20th - December 7th) for mercury to get back up to speed in it’s direct position before we are free and clear of all the mercury retrograde drama and chaos.

No doubt there were miscommunications and disagreements flare up during this retrograde period, but no worries, all will be smoothed over in the coming weeks. It’s been an intense time for all of us, as we’ve dealt with some not-so-nice topics and themes as we’ve faced some darker details and darker parts of self.

Although we are starting to feel better (compared to the first few weeks of October) the visibility of moving forward is still kind of foggy. You can count on having a lot more clarity as mercury moves direct, and have a lot more assurances as the shadow period comes to a close.


Even more exciting than reaching the half way mark of mercury’s retrograde is that Jupiter, (the God of growth, abundance, and expansion) who has been in his place of power in Sagittarius since last November, is reaching his maximum energy influence as he pushes through these last 3 weeks of power. Jupiter will jump into Capricorn December 3rd, but before he does, he is turning on his maximum influence on for these last 3 weeks.

This has been a tough year for many of us. Jupiter being in Sagittarius is the spiritual warrior energy that normally has beliefs tested time and time again in order to truly align with a higher sense of purpose and knowing. We might have expected that over this past year, we would have been gifted with opportunity and abundance in all forms, but for many of us, those rewards have not shown up in the way we might have expected.

There’s been a lot of lessons this past year that tested our inner selves, our soul selves. We may have “fallen off the spiritual wagon” so to speak and lost faith in ourselves, in our visions, and in our dreams. Fear not! Because looking back over this past year of challenges will likely expose a brand new sense of self, belief, and shown you where in your life you actually needed a little help in expanding your ideas and even your heart.

It is highly likely, that all the “Nos” we’ve encountered over the last year, may just become “Yesses” before Jupiter’s reign of power is over. It is highly likely that we will be gifted with rewards and blessings of favour within the next 3 weeks as Jupiter scrambles to make things right before moving on in the cosmos to focus on business and structures.

Hold your visions, hopes, and dreams, very firmly in your heart as we tie up the loose ends of this year as we end out November and enter into the last month of this decade. Look for “Yesses” where there were once “Nos”, and looking for blessings where there were once restrictions. We are at a turning point, and there is still so much good left to come.

To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can book a Reading session online.

Mercury Retrogrades In Scorpio


Today, Mercury, the planet of communication, information, and moving parts of all kind, goes retrograde in Scorpio. This is happening on Halloween (Samhain) where the veil to the spirit realm is thinned and we can receive communications and insights from other realms.

Mercury retrogrades seem to always pose problems with misunderstandings from communication breakdowns, technology failures like sending the wrong email to the wrong person, or travel chaos as things just naturally seem to get mixed up. Mercury retrogrades are a great time to slow down and revisit some issues from your past that you thought were done and over with. Retrogrades give us the opportunity to take what we've learned and apply it to the recurring situation for a different ending and closure.

There is an energy in this retrograde that makes us feel like we are ready for misunderstandings, we are ready for missing emails and no internet for no apparent reason, we are even ready for our travel plans to go awry. But as positive as we can be, no one every really knows what to expect until the past comes creeping back in.

For many of my clients, they are experiencing past situations that they thought they had resolved both in their inner and outer worlds. Feelings and memories get triggered revealing areas of hurt that just don't seem to want to be healed. Some of my clients have been frustrated with the fact that technology isn't only messing with them, it's literally declared war! And of course, those that have suffered HUGE detours in their paths as the plans they had got thrown out the window.

Is this deja vu? Are we seriously on rewind? Mercury retrogrades are notorious for exes climbing out of the woodwork to stir up some old emotions and memories. Consider it a test from the Universe to see whether or not you’ve actually grown and changed.

We are in a Mercury retrograde until November 20th, so the "let's get down to the truth" kind of energy will be reverberating throughout the cosmos until then, and continue until December 7th with Mercury’s shadow period.

Mercury retrograding in Scorpio means that not only are we looking back in the past dealing with issues that had been to laid to rest, we are now asking the deep seated questions of Why.... Why is this happening again? What did I miss the first time? What role am I playing to continue this storyline? And for christ sakes, WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO END IT? The answers you might come up with might not make you happy. In fact, they will likely trigger the shadow parts within that are being called out to play so the Universe can zap them with some white light and transform them into something better. It's not going to be pretty, growth never is.

Mercury retrograde is taking us back, to ask the deep questions and then we're actually going to DO something about it.

As uncomfortable as this all is, is absolutely necessary for us to go through at this time. We are getting our one last chance to purge before the New Year where we are being asked to create our new lives and build on the foundations we've just revealed.

Yes, the energy is raw, it's intense, and at some points it even feels dirty. So when you find yourself staring past hurt and trauma in the face, wondering how the hell you can make it stop, take a breath and remind yourself of all you've learned about yourself, about how you love and want love, how you value yourself, and how you could be a better version of yourself.

That will create the energy inside of you to apply what you've learned to the situation letting the Universe know that you're serious about change, and that you're willing to try new behaviours for better results versus repeating old patterns and behaviours and never really closing the door on your pain patterns.

There will be many planetary shifts that will help us on this journey as we detox ourselves of all things toxic to our Souls. We are preparing to enter into the New Year with a whole new world of possibilities.

So take Mercury's retrograde seriously. Take advantage of putting old storylines to rest finally and for good! You may struggle to find your way through the dark, but I can promise you, you will be lead into the light.

To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can book a Reading session online.

Mercury Goes Direct In Pisces


The very long, and dragged out retrograde is finally over as Mercury, the planet of information, communication, and expression finally takes a forward, direct motion in Pisces.

The last 3 weeks have been a challenge as we lost all form of direction and logic, looking back on the past, reviewing, revising, and redefining elements of our lives that needed a bit more attention.

After every retrograde there is a 2 week shadow period which is the length of time it takes to get back up to normal rotating speed, and be fully engaged with the newly stabilized energy.

Our interactions will be easier, but we will still find some difficulty as Pisces is the weakest placement Mercury can be in. We are still being asked to lead with our intuitions as far as taking information in, processing it, forming it into our need for expression, and having that understood by those we are interacting with.

Under the Aries Sun, we will have much more balance than when Mercury first moved into Pisces before it went retrograde. The fire energy of Aries balances the water of Pisces meaning we aren't in the dark depths of the ocean. Instead we are hovering just below the surface where the light is easily seen.

Venus having just moved into Pisces, means that we are likely to be expressing ourselves on a deep emotional levelwhere love is concerned. And where love is absent, our wounds will feel that much more isolating. Expression and connection during this time is very spiritual making for some deep issues to be acknowledged and released.

Be mindful that things, especially technological and mechanical things, anything with working parts (including the mind) can breakdown with the cause still be unclear, vague, missing details, and really has no rhyme or reason of why.

This is still a great time to get into the arts, painting, music, writing. Anything with a creative form of expression as Mercury in Pisces brings the artists out of hiding. With the Aries Sun urging us to start new things, a creative endeavour would be very much supported under this energy, although until the shadow period is over it's best to go back to complete unfinished projects instead of starting something brand new.

As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.


Marlee Henry

Psychic Advisor

The Energy Boutique


To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE  for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.

Welcome To Aries Season

The time has come where we enter into a brand new energetic and astrological calendar, as we head into Aries season, marking the Spring Equinox for the Northern hemisphere. We are regaining our balance as the days turn into equal hours of light and dark. The fire element of Aries, dries us off from the complete saturation of water we just came out of from Pisces season. As we towel off, we are already eager to embark on new endeavours.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and under this influence we are ready to hit the ground running as we supercharge an area of our life. Aries is the trailblazer, the one who wants to dive into whatever excites them, and has the tendency to act first and think later. They initiate energy and new paths.

Similar to the first day of Spring, the world comes to life and sneaks out of their winter shadows with the Sun in Aries. Aries energy is fast, quick to react, impulsive, head strong, and anxious to get things done. They are an abundance of energy as they set off into the world to make leaps and bounds on their paths forward, eager to accomplish what they set out to do.

A certain level of caution comes with this Aries season as it is being shadowed by both Mercury still in retrograde, and, for the first time in almost 20 years, we have a Supermoon taking place merely hours after the Sun takes its spot in Aries. This means that we are going to be slowed down a bit in actually accomplishing what the Aries energy wants us to do. We have to still rely heavily on our intuition to guide us through this retrograde.

With the Aries energy quick to act, we really have to stop and listen to the inner guidance we are being given. We have to PAY ATTENTION, and because Aries energy isn't really one to do that, we need to be overly cautious that we aren't jumping into things without consulting our hearts and our heads.

In astrology, Aries represents the head, which is appropriate for the sign as they are very headstrong and push through the barriers of restriction in order to tackle their dreams. The Sun moving into Aries poses an interesting tension on us, as the Sun and Chiron (the wounded healer) are inconjunction with each other as we set the tone for the next 12 month energy cycle, we are going to be moving out of ego (head) and learn to live life from a higher sense of knowing as we tap into our higher consciousness and newly developed mental plane.

It's important that we not return to old patterns and behaviours during this time as what we focus on in the first weeks of Aries season will last throughout the new energetic calendar. Those who have developed spiritually, will pass this test by standing strong in themselves, their truths, and their power to transcend their old selves to fully embrace the new.

Everything we've learned over the past year, will be put to the test in this new energy cycle. Aries season helps us to get things started and to take the first steps on building new elements in our lives.

As long as you are being mindful to consult your intuition before proceeding to act on the impulses and urges you want to take action on, you will no doubt set a solid foundation and be overly productive in bring things to life while the Aries energy infuses you with the power and strength to blaze ahead.

As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.


Marlee Henry

Psychic Advisor

The Energy Boutique

To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.