Mercury Retrogrades in Aquarius


Mercury - the ruler of the mental plane, information, and communication - has been retrograde in Pisces for weeks now. We are just past the half way mark, and now we get a small window of opportunity to dry ourselves off from the Piscean waters, to have a moment of clarity once again.

Mercury will be retrograding back into Aquarius for a couple of days before re-entering into Piscean waters. For the next 5 days we will be thinking clearer and will receive huge insights about our past experiences. Rewind back to January to revisit some ideas, plans, goals you had set for yourself that you didn’t have a chance to bring to life before Mercury moved into Pisces.

A lot has happened since the beginning of the year. We’ve learned a lot. And with mercury retrograding back into Aquarius, we will get another great opportunity to expand our minds and shift our perspective. There’s a quest for knowledge and information in aquarian energy. We seek to understand and to make sense of things. We need to know what it is we are working with so we can come up with new ways of tackling old problems.

This 5 day window of opportunity will help you feel a bit more in control than you’ve been feeling. Instead of floating with the rhythm of the piscean waves, we dive into the depths of the mind instead. Mercury is still retrograde though, meaning the energy is still very much kept inside of ourselves. This is a time of inner discovery, observing the moving parts and learning all we can about the situations around us.

Mercury will be re-entering Pisces once again to wrap up it’s retrograde. Meaning the clarity and insights we gain over the next 5 days will then need to be felt! We will be diving back into the emotional and intuitive waters of Pisces again to mull over all that we discover before we get the green light from the Universe to take action and move forward.

Where is mercury’s retrograde taking place in your chart? Download your March Forecast or book a session to find out.
