Astro & Tarot Forecasts February 2021


January was definitely a much longer and slower month than we would have all liked. Many of us didn’t accomplish half of the things we had set out to do, but that’s okay! The energy wasn’t supporting us in making too much progress. February offers us a very rare alignment of 7 planetary bodies all built up in aquarian energy. With Mercury being retrograde for the majority of the month, we will see a huge reorganization, restructuring, and revamping of our plans and intentions by the time the month is over. It’s time to rework some things and come out of the month with a much more innovative approach to bringing our plans to life.

*** Important energy shifts for February ***

February 1st - Venus enters Aquarius

February 11th - New Moon in Aquarius

February 18th - Welcome to Pisces Season

February 20th - Mercury Goes Direct

February 25th - Venus enters Pisces

February 27th - Full Moon in Virgo



After making some pretty solid steps in increasing your value, worth, and importance - especially in your career - this month you’ll be given an opportunity to rework some plans that just didn’t get manifested. You’ll be asked to take a good look at your friendships and who needs to stay and who can go. Reorganizing who you share your time and energy with will be very important as you are about to make some new connections with a new group or community of like-minded people. Whatever relationships and emotions have been weighing you down will suddenly be highlighted as you create a bit more space and distance with those asking too much of you. Your finances will need a bit of a revamp as new income opportunities allow you to plan for the future and set some new goals. It’s time to revisit some old ideas and renovate them to new levels of inspiration. Instead of trying to create new elements in your life, try to breathe new life into old ones. You may become a bit withdrawn mid-month as you are being pulled into your inner realm to reconnect with your soul and spiritual practices. The door needs to be shut on some old pain and trauma, and by opening your mind to new perspectives, you’ll be able to heal these parts of yourself before recreating the newest version of yourself for your birthday. You’ll have a window of opportunity to take action and make things happen after the 20th, but until then, try not to get frustrated with your lack of productivity. You’re being asked to think things through instead of making things happen and this will benefit you in the long run. You’ll see a new cycle of emotions begin - especially where your personal and romantic relationships are concerned. Getting back to the basics and recognizing where the energy exchange has gotten out of balance will help you to reprioritize the people in your life and who gets access to you. Be prepared to let go of some bad habits that are blocking your progress in your day to day routine. Reorganizing your space and environment will create a new energy for you to work with as you focus more on stabilizing your own health and wellness before pouring all you have into others.


After learning some pretty tough life lessons right out of the gate of the new year, this month will let you rewind and take a step back as you rework a couple of elements in your career and connections. Your routine got disrupted and your energy and attention has been focused on other things. Your career and the roles and responsibilities you have, have taken a back seat to some inner turmoil you’ve been dealing with. It’s good to jump back into the swing of things, but you’re being asked to take a time out and really rethink your career. Maybe you need to switch things up in your routine. Maybe you need to release some of the duties you’ve taken responsibility of. Or maybe, you need to spice things up and look for a new position altogether. Retrace your steps and see what elements of your job you enjoy the most. Dig into some old skills and talents you haven’t used in a while to bring a new energy to your current day to day routine. You have some healing work to do, especially where letting go of some personal friendships and connections are concerned. Soul contracts are ending in preparation for new life cycles to begin. You cannot ignore these feelings and distract yourself from your emotions. You need to reconnect with your higher self and process the life lessons you’ve been given. You need to get back to the basics of what makes you happy and allows you to feel safe and secure. You will have a huge release of the weight you’ve been carrying in your heart by the end of the month. Although it may feel like you are having an emotional breakdown, you’re actually having a major break through. Your heart needs to be released of the pain before it can heal and love again.


After having a tough first month of the year facing the darker emotions and thoughts you’ve been holding in, this month provides you with an opportunity to free yourself from some negative ways of thinking that have been preventing you from moving forward. You’ve become bored and unstimulated which is a recipe for disaster. You need to throw yourself into a new learning chapter and get the curiosity piquing once again. You will be relying more on your intuition than your critical mind as you review some of the parts of yourself that you’ve out grown. For someone so open minded you’ve sure got yourself trapped in a negative narrative. It’s time to spice things up and change up the way you’ve been working. Whether it’s the environment or the actual routine itself, your work place and your responsibilities are no longer sparking joy within you. Tap into your creativity and bring the fun back. You’ll have a powerful window of clarity after the 20th to make some changes in your reality because of the new ideas and inspirations you would have had earlier in the month. Don’t be afraid to lose yourself in thinking outside of the box. You’ve become to weighted down with the mundane tasks in the run of your day. You’ll feel a huge shift in energy freeing you from some issues you’ve been having in the home and with some of the family dynamics within it. It’s time to create some boundaries and reorganize the environment in your home. Creating a new energy in the space you spend the most time in will do wonders for bringing the spark back within you.


After a month where you really had some challenging relationship issues, this month you’ll have a chance to revisit some old topics and themes that you thought you had healed. Friendships will dissolve to make space for new like minded people to enter. You’ve been doing some deep inner transformations of your heart space and now that you’ve seen the parts of you that attracted some tough life lessons in the past, you can go ahead and let those parts of yourself go. This will be a very powerful month for change as you reconsider who in your life actually deserves your time and attention. Recognizing where you’ve given too much of yourself away and not retained enough energy for your own health and wellness will help you to create and implement new boundaries in your relationships with others. You are becoming bored with your current situation in life and are ready to spice things up and make a change. Reconnecting with your soul and heart space will take you on a journey to see what it is you want to learn next. Listening to your intuition and higher self will reveal an inner truth that you’ve been too distracted to face. But having these new insights will help you know what path you should be taking next. Prepare to let go of the negative nelly narrative you’ve been trapped in as you release the highly critical and judgemental crap you’ve been telling yourself. This will free your mind up to see where old habits need to die in order for a new way of living can be created. You are being asked to rekindle your relationship with yourself, and start paying more attention to your own health and wellness.


After a bumpy start to the new year, you’ll have a brand new energy helping to support the new habits and routines you’ve been wanting to invite into your life actually stick. You will have to slow down a bit and do some serious reflection into your heart space as some past pain and trauma got illuminated for you under last month’s full moon in your sign. Your heart has been carrying some weight that no longer aligns with who you’ve become and is creating some serious emotional blocks when it comes to your relationships. You’ll see some old friends and maybe even past lovers resurface this month either in your reality or in your dream space in order for you to revisit that chapter of your life with a new set of eyes. There are people more aligned with who you are waiting to enter your realm but until you create a space for them by letting go of your past, you’ll never get to meet them. You have some healing to do and it starts with recognizing what parts of you are old and outdated and no longer serving you. By realizing what you want for yourself you will see where you’ve been blocking your own blessings. It’s time to get honest with yourself and move out of your own way. You’ll see a huge release of energy by the end of the month after you’ve taken the time to do some deep reflection. You may have to let go of the way you look after and value yourself in order to raise your vibration and self esteem to a new level. You should revisit some skills and talents you’ve been keeping in the shadows in order to create new opportunities to create income and abundance. You should consider decluttering your space and getting rid of old items that still carry memories of old energies. A little reorganizing never hurt anybody.


After a month of getting organized and opening up your heart to new possibilities, this month you will have a huge opportunity to really get into the swing of things. Your success is directly linked to your daily habits and although you tried to make some changes in your routine, there really wasn’t a whole lot that got rooted in. You’re being asked to take a minute and recognize where you need to revamp some of your habits. Your health and wellness has been begging for your attention but gets pushed to the wayside by other people’s needs. You already have the wisdom and experience from past cycles to know what worked for you and what didn’t, so it’s time to retrace your steps and bring in some new ways of taking care of yourself that proved to be helpful in the past. You need to revise your energy and see whether or not you need to become more present in the tasks and chores you tend to instead of being on autopilot all of the time. Too many people are after your energy and attention and you’ll have to revisit creating and implementing some boundaries to prevent giving the best part of yourself away to others before taking care of yourself first. You’ll see some deeper connections form in your personal relationships mid-month as you tweak the energy exchange with others. You’ll be asked to reconnect with your spiritual practice to try and balance out the mental processing you seem to get stuck in. Some of the old habits you’ve been holding onto - especially the way you speak to yourself - will have to be released in order to create a space for new healthier ways of living to enter. With the full moon in your sign at the end of the month, it will act as a marker of the half way point in the up hill battle you’ve had since your birthday. This will be a great time to fully let go of the parts of yourself that you know have been blocking your progress in moving forward. It’s time to step out of your own way.


After a conflicting month between your heart and your head, this month you’ll become more aligned with your truth and what your heart desires more than ever. You are being asked to take a step back and to give yourself permission to stop trying to make things happen and instead reflect back on old projects to see where new life can be breathed into them. You are having to rework some plans as you hadn’t taken enough time to truly think things through. Although you were indecisive on what path you should take at the beginning, the decision that you made wasn’t the wrong one, it just needs a bit more thought and planning. You’re going to receive such huge amounts of insight and inspiration this month that it will remove the creative block you’ve been experiencing. When you allow your intuition to lead and you force your critical mind to take a back seat, you’ll be shocked at how much easily the energy flows. Your heart has been blocked for a very long time. Initially, you created those walls for protection and now you are beginning to realize they are also blocking out the happiness, joy, and creativity you’ve been praying for. Re-examining your reasoning for these walls will allow you to see where they are no longer needed and where some adjustments can be made. You’ll need to strike more of a balance in your days as sticking to a rigid routine is almost as detrimental for you as flying by the seat of your pants is. Tapping into your own energy and body will tell you what kind of day it should be and what tasks and chores would be best suited for the day. You’ll need to get a bit more imaginative with how to create a new vision for yourself moving forward. Release the confines and boundaries you’ve built to see where things could flow more easily. There will be a huge release of energy by the end of the month where you will finally surrender some of the pain and trauma from your soul. This would be a great time to throw yourself into a spiritual practice that will help you connect to your higher self while still staying grounded in your physical responsibilities. Your mental and spiritual health are closing out an old cycle preparing for a new one to begin. 


After a month of focusing a bit more on the balance needed between your home and your career, you may feel a bit more willing to step up in big ways. You are trying to force things, and make things happen in your career life, but the energy is more wanting you to create a more stable and secure foundation in your home life and how you’re taking care of yourself. You’ll have some powerful ideas and inspirations bust through your mental plane that will help you to work smarter and not harder. Although you have many ideas you want to bring to life, you’re being asked to step back and revisit some old ideas already in place. You need to revamp a few elements and look at improving what you’ve already built. You’ll have a huge opportunity to heal your heart space mid-month when new desires for love and romance knock on the walls you’ve built up around your heart. This will be very revealing on what pain you’re still holding onto and where you are still feeling insecure about being vulnerable with those you love. You’ll see a shift in energies effecting your home and family dynamics mid-month as we are being encouraged to go ahead and take small steps forward in bringing new ideas to life in our home environment. Just in time to release some pretty old and outdated ideas about your self and maybe a friendship or two. You are about to be introduced to a brand new group or community of people but some old connections have to be released before you can fully align with the energy of these new connections. You’ll see a sudden shift of energy by the end of the month where you can actually create a new system for your day to day tasks and chores that haven’t been working like the well oiled machine you’ve been hoping for. You’ll see major improvements in the way you organize your life and how you flow through your daily routine. 


After a month of finding a bit of stability in your life, reorganizing your finances, and getting a better idea on what you’re planning for in the future, this month you’ll get a chance to revisit and refine those plans and ideas even more. You will be revisiting a lot of emotions that you’ve been ignoring as well. The home and family dynamic has been a challenge for you for quite some time, and now you’ll have to take a good look at where you need to make some solid plans to get a solid foundation under you once again. You’ll have some amazing ideas and moments of inspiration hit you that will help you figure out a more long term plan and there will also be an encouraging energy helping you to express yourself, communicating your new desires in a much more open and confident way. You’ll be encouraged to get back to your roots and create a safe and stable place within your home, repairing some troubled family topics and issues. You’ll be able to take a couple of steps forward in bringing your new ideas to life mid-month as you gear up to release some fears and insecurities surrounding your career life and some elements holding you back from taking the next step in using your skills and talents to the best of your abilities. You’ll need some time to adjust your daily routine, making sure you create enough space to pursue your new endeavours but still having enough time and space to take care of your own health and wellness. 


After an amazing start to your new natal year, it didn’t take too much time before you ran into your first set of challenges were concerned. Last month may have challenged you and your emotions, but this month you will find a bit more stability in your daily life. You are being asked to step back from pushing so hard to make new things happen, and instead revisit some old ideas and projects that could use new life breathed into them. Your skills and talents are vast but many of them go unused. Although life has been taking you away from doing the things you love, it’s time to blow the dust off of some old hobbies and get back into using your wide array of talents in whatever way you can. You have a new value and worth within yourself and that level up is being validated by others as they compliment you on your work and progress. Don’t shy away from these compliments as it’s time for you to give credit where credit is due. You’ll have a huge inflow of inspiration and your creativity will reach new peaks mid-month. It’s a great time for your to reconnect with any kind of writing or art projects as the need to express yourself in new ways is being emphasized. You may have a huge shift in perspective as far as you relationships go. You are being asked to open your heart up just a tad to see where new connections with others can be made. By the end of the month you may see yourself wanting to bring in new adventures or elements of excitement into your life, as the stability you’ve created is now getting bit boring. You will see a learning chapter come to an end as you prepare for a new journey come spring time. Get in touch with your intuition and see where it guides you away from the logical and practical plans you’ve made for yourself. It’s time to realign with a new plan that is fuelled by what our heart desires and not what our head thinks we should do.


Happy birthday Aquarius! After a month of darkness and confusion, defeat and frustration you’ll now enter into a brand new chapter and new natal year with a lot less weighing on your heart and head. The old you is dead and gone and whatever remnants still exist need to be let go of asap! You are bout to embark on a brand new chapter and it will require the best version of yourself in order to create the kind of life you’ve been praying for. Before you get the party started, you’ll have to take a time out and do some serious reflection over the past year and truly recognize the life lessons you were faced with and what you’ve gained even through the toughest parts. Many of your toughest life lessons and the most beautiful of blessings came form your relationships and from the home and family dynamics you’ve created. Although there have been some huge challenges over the past year, they truly showed you your strengths and you weaknesses. The parts of you that are use to playing in the dark and nurture the toxic patterns within you are now over. It will take some time to adjust to your new energy, but trust that you will be downloaded with all the insight you need for the year ahead. You need to get a bit more serious with the foundations you are building especially where worth and value are concerned. You have an amazing opportunity to level up your income but only if you see the value and worth in yourself first. Set your sights on where you want to be this time next year and eliminate every elements within you and in your life that would prevent you from living that dream. It’s time to release the old parts of you for good and truly surrender to this beautiful transformation that is currently taking place. 


After a month of receiving new ideas of inspiration, this month you need to work on removing the blocks that stand in the way of bringing your vision to life. You’ll have a great opportunity this month to let go of some of the past issues you’ve had in trying to manifest the life you’ve been praying for. Recognizing where you’ve been your own worst enemy is a start to letting go of old habits and old ways of thinking. Don’t get defeated as you realize that you aren’t being as productive as you’d like, as this month isn’t really about seeing huge changes in your reality and instead is about you revisiting some old ideas and rethinking them in a way that is more logical and practical moving forward. As you approach your birthday, things get dark and although you may feel like you’ve reached the end of your rope, in actuality you are purging the parts of yourself that are no longer needed for this chapter of your journey. You will rebirth yourself on your birthday but until then you should do the deep healing work that is needed to get out of your own way. You have to reconnect with your soul and spiritual practice. You’ve had some illusions and deceptions of yourself that have self sabotaged you in the past. It’s time to dig deep and see where the root of these issues began in order to end them for good. You’’ be feeling more like yourself mid0month when we move into Pisces season and this will unleash a new imaginative and creative energy that you’ll use throughout your next natal year. You get to rework your own value and worth seeing where you’ve been giving your power away to other people. Balancing the scales in the energy exchange in your relationships will give you the strength and stamina to hit the ground running in you new year. You’ll have to get honest with yourself though, and get real with the the people you love. You’ll be releasing a heavy weight on you heart where you’re relationships are concerned by the end of the month as you reorganize your own energy and the energy you give to others. It’s important to focus on your own health and wellness at this time instead of distracting yourself with other people’s wants and needs. It’s time to take your power back and be the start of your own show.