Venus Enters Aquarius

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (10).jpg

Venus has spent the last month in Capricorn, where she was all business reviewing her long-term commitments, relationships and values. It was all work and no play, and now that she is leaving Capricorn for Aquarius, you can be sure that she will be feeling much freer under this influence. She is now joining the Sun, mercury (who just went retrograde), Jupiter, and Saturn all in Aquarian energy.

Venus, being the Goddess of love, worth, and pleasure, wants nothing more than to feel independent while she is in Aquarius, breaking free of the tunnel vision she had in Capricorn. Aquarius is a free thinking, eccentric kind of energy teaching the Goddess how to love all the joys in life without being too overly attached.

While in Aquarius, she wants to explore her freedom. She enjoys her independence and has no problem committing or being loyal but it must be on her own terms. She becomes attracted to weird or unusual things that normally wouldn’t pique her interest. Because she’s playful and much more light-hearted than days gone by, she is exploring any new interests that captivate her and makes her think outside of the box. This could be a great time to experiment with relationships as you may find yourself attracted to someone who breaks the mould as far as being your "normal" type. The playfulness and airiness of Aquarius can be a lot of fun to casually get involved with someone without any strings attached. In fact, that's how a real true love can blossom!

Staying detached is the main theme here, with other people and with thoughts and feelings. We may have felt restricted or suffocated under Capricorn’s influence but now in Aquarian energy we just want to be free. We are open to accepting major changes easily as we adapt and evolve with different truths and realities.

The importance is on making new connections, both in your head and with like-minded friends. Expression will be at an all time high which is great except communication and emotional intelligence is very low. This could make for some messy exchanges that will have to wait until mercury goes direct again in order to resolve.

If you’re interested in seeing where Venus is playing her part in your chart, please book a session online. You can also download your February Forecast to see what you can expect from the energy this month.